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How We Relate to Our Food Experiences

Essay Instructions:

Please read the document carefully

Part 1 should be one paragraph

Part 2 should 2 separate paragraphs responding to two different people

Part 3 is the longest and should be 1 page and the only part you use is a secondary source.

Parts 1 and 2 should be just your opinion, no plagiarism, please.


To learn more about Mangione, click here. If the link does not take you to the NYT article, open the attached file.

To learn more about Antin, click here

To learn more about Kazin, click here If the link does not take you to the NYT article, open the attached file.

The poem "Perhaps the World Ends Here" by Susan Hajo

In this excerpt from the novel Invisible Man, introduces us to the unnamed protagonist who finds himself displaced and poverty stricken in New York. The protagonist was expelled from the all black college he attended because he was accused of undignified behavior. The college President Dr. Bledsoe's cruelty is revealed when he gives the protagonist letters of reference in which he shares that he would never consider readmitting the expelled student. When we meet our protagonist, he has just encountered Bledsoe. Consider the imagery and descriptions of the opening scene to get a sense of how he feels at the beginning to help you understand the epiphany he experiences when we last see him. In regard to the food, think about how our favorite foods may reveal as much about history as they reveal about our personal preferences and taste.

To learn about Ralph Ellison, click here


In your initial post, identify a passage from one of the memoirs or a passage from the Invisible Man excerpt, which intrigued your imagination and provide a brief (one to two sentence) explanation. Then select one of the discussion questions to begin a closer examination of the texts in your initial post. Consider the tone and language (consider especially the connotative meaning of words here) of the memoirs and novel excerpt.

Identify two similarities and two differences you noticed that affected your experiences as a reader.

●     Briefly describe the effects of the tone and language had on you as a reader.

●     What food related themes emerge from two of our readings that you found most important?

●     How does the structure of each of the narratives introduce and develop the theme?

●     All of the memoirs relate a time that is not within your lifetime. What role do the food(s) that are an integral part of each narrative play that allows us to relate?

●     Should the poem "Perhaps the World Ends Here" be considered as a memoir? Why? Why not?

●     What connections can you make to Babette's Feast, the biblical passages, and some of the other texts we have covered so far that help us to better understand the importance between food and memory?

Remember to keep the initial and all follow up contributions focused and concise in a paragraph of two to invite dialogue that allows us to develop a thoughtful analysis that considers multiple perspectives and responses. Provide brief references or direct quotation to a particular passage that is central to your contribution.


 respond to your colleagues and explore as many of the remaining discussion starter questions as possible.


This week's reflection provides you with the opportunity to craft a short memoir of your own. Select a specific food and unique moment or a family tradition that allowed you to gain insight into a larger issue and recreate it for an interested audience.

Use the memoirs we analyzed as models to compose a 2 to 4 page (double spaced) personal reflection.  


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
How We Relate to Our Food Experiences
Part One
The passage "Where Would I go? To a Movie? Can I Sleep There?" from the memoir of "The Invisible Man" I was interested in where the speaker had come from and was willing to know if someone had chased them from home. I believe the memoir and the excerpt introduce the theme of food in their distinct structure. In the latter, a flashback is used to develop the main topic. While walking down the street, the narrator spots an older man by the wagon, and then he smells the scent of roasting yams. He suddenly feels a strong urge to have them. Furthermore, the protagonist starts recalling how he would eat the yams prepared in different styles and take along other delicacies. Thus, the theme of the food develops from remembering how he used to eat yams. The excerpt uses imagery to show how one is expected to behave when eating.
Part 2
I agree with Mia Gillett when she admits that the poem’s title "Perhaps the world ends" depicts the sadness one is going through. It shows that one has lost hope or is no longer happy in their life experience or might have lost something they once valued. I also agree with the response that the narrative is a memoir because the story's protagonists start recalling what they have been through when they see the table and those who used to sit around it. In other words, the narrator tells their real-life experience and how they went through it. The work also makes one realize the uniting factors in their family. I agree that the table provides a source of happiness, making people oblivious to their challenges.
It is simple to agree with Keyonia on the views on the passage in which the protagonist recalls how their father used to prepare the cannoli. The delicacies involved many preparations, like almonds, which required a lot of time and concentration. The passage also reminds me of the need to appreciate those who strive to make us happy thr...
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