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How video games are beneficial

Essay Instructions:
Has a thesis, a claim that is the main idea of the entire paper. Has at least 3 body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence, a claim that states the main idea of the paragraph. Note that each topic sentence should support the thesis. If readers ask why they should agree with the thesis, every topic sentence should answer that question. Include enough facts in body paragraphs to support all claims coherently and logically. Is free of logical fallacies. Uses correct MLA format, spelling, and grammar. Uses an objective tone. Incorporates three credible sources, preferably articles from TCC's library databases. At most, one block quote (quotes longer than 4 lines in MLA format) may be used, but it cannot be longer than 8 lines. Quotes should not make up more than 30% of the total words in the essay. Demonstrates an understanding of the opposing viewpoint and respond to it (most likely in just the last body paragraph, but you might also address opposition in all of your body paragraphs, depending on your subject. Is at least 1000-words long. Mostly be in third person. Only if you are bringing in personal experience to support a topic may you use first person. You may use second person in the hook and the call to action, but nowhere else. The introduction (first paragraph) should include a hook, background, and thesis in that order. The conclusion (last paragraph) should include a reworded thesis, summary of topics, and clincher (which includes a call to action) in that order. The call to action should be a single sentence that recommends an action that is small (requires little time commitment, cost, or preparation) and actionable (something the reader can do the second they are done reading the essay). Below are five common calls to action that you should have avoided (with small, actionable, commitment-focused alternatives that work!): writing a letter (use engaging in a discussion instead) thinking (use attending a lecture or meeting instead) passing a law (use voting instead) imposing taxes (use researching current funding instead) providing funding (use donating instead)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Lecturer’s Name Course Name Due Date How Video Games Are Beneficial Technology in modern days has enabled many forms of entertainment, such as video games, which have attracted millions of people globally. However, beyond their recreational value, these interactive experiences offer many benefits that often go unnoticed. Video games have many players who account for about 65%, according to "Entertainment Software Association." These are players who play video games regularly, reflecting their widespread appeal and influence. With time, video games have changed from simple to immersive virtual worlds, challenging participants' cognitive abilities and fostering social connections. While some perceive them as mindless distractions, others suggest that these interactive experiences can enhance problem-solving skills, promote teamwork, and provide educational and therapeutic benefits. The essay critically evaluates how video games enhance cognitive thinking, foster social connection/teamwork, and provide engaging learning opportunities and therapeutic benefits. Video games have many benefits if well-balanced with other interactions or activities. They help develop cognitive skills and problem-solving techniques in players of all ages. A study by Kazimoglu and Bacon demonstrated that individuals who played action video games for a prolonged period exhibited improved hand-eye coordination and quicker reaction times (Kazimoglu and Bacon, p 3). These skills are valuable in gaming and translate to real-life situations, such as driving or participating in sports. Most video games present a complex scenario with puzzles that require participants to think critically, strategize on the planning, and be adaptable. For instance, strategy games like "Civilization" and "Age of Empires" demand players to manage resources, make informed decisions, and adjust their tactics based on changing circumstances (Hung Jen Kuo et al.). Such experiences can cultivate valuable problem-solving skills that can be used at school and work. Playing 3D video games boosts skills such as spatial awareness and mental rotation, which are crucial for fields like architecture, engineering, and design (“The Impact of Game Design on Spatial Awareness: Developing Cognitive Skills through Gaming | MoldStud.com”). Players develop an enhanced understanding of spatial relationships and depth perception by navigating through virtual environments and manipulating objects from different angles. While some critics argue that certain video games promote violence or addictive behavior, it is essential to recognize that moderation and responsible gameplay are key. Like any form of entertainment, video games should be balanced, and parents or guardians should provide guidance and supervision, particularly for younger players. Video games have the remarkable ability to foster social connections and promote teamwork among players. The players come from diverse backgrounds and c...
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