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Reading Response: How Social Media Is Hurting Your Memory

Essay Instructions:

Choose an article from a valid source that relates to your research topic, and use your source article (or essay, study, etc.) and write a detailed, thoughtful reading response. Think of this as a longer.

You need a reasonable title. It doesn’t have to be clever or elaborate. Keep it simple. Midterm and Reading Response are not acceptable titles, however.

Your response should include an intro paragraph that explains your source (what it is, who wrote it and when, where it was published if applicable, etc.). Write a brief summary so that your reader can get a good sense of the text, its main idea, and some key pieces of evidence without having to read it themselves.

I would like another paragraph that provides context for this piece. What is the larger conversation that this addresses? (Social media and its effect on x) Give your reader some background on the topic so we understand its implications and importance to society. What arguments are people on both sides making? Where do you stand on the issue and why? That will be your thesis statement.

The rest of your essay will respond to the text in relation to your stance on the main topic (your thesis). Stay focused. What key points do you agree/disagree with and why? Explain which parts are the most interesting, compelling, important and why. You may include your own personal experience as evidence, and you can bring in other examples as well (incidents from the news, pop culture references, etc.) to make your points.

Use direct quotes from your source. They must be properly introduced and cited. If you are using a print out without page numbers, just use the author’s last name. Mostly only print sources like books and magazines will need page numbers. If your source is from our text book or your 1101 text book, that is completely okay too.

End with a conclusion paragraph that restates your main idea in different words. Write an ending statement that sums up the main point of the source and the main point you want your reader to take away from this response. What lasting impression, image, thought, or feeling do you want your reader to walk away from this issue with?

ENC 1102 Rubric

  1. This essay followed the directions on the prompt 20 pts.
  2. Attention to grammar, spelling, proofreading, word choice, sentence structure, formal academic tone. 20 pts. 
  3. Source Material was appropriate, valid, and applied well to the student’s research topic. 20 pts.
  4. Reading response contained properly introduced quotes, cited in MLA format. Quotes supported the student’s thesis, and were explained and connected to main ideas in detail. 20 pts. 
  5. Exam was thoughtful, well-considered and added interesting, valid points to the greater conversation that the student’s research topic addresses. 20 pts.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Reading Response In an article titled How Social Media Is Hurting Your Memory, Andrew Gregory writes that technology has made our lives easier and different in a lot of ways. When was the last time you memorized someone’s mobile number? It may not be possible for you to answer this question correctly as you have increased your dependence on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other similar networks, and thus, your brain remains too busy to memorize something. A growing body of research reveals that social media is a good way to connect with friends and family members in different parts of the world. At the same time, it has damaged our memories to an extent. The main argument of this article is that in this smartphone and social media-obsessed culture, it has become difficult for a person to maintain a balance between his online and offline activities, as he depends more on social media sites and Google...
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