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How Might Embracing Uncertainty Affect the Future We Create or Imagine?

Essay Instructions:

We’re back to using three texts in this essay, but there is still an element of choice.

Required texts:

Æ      Hsu, Hua. “The New Monuments America Needs.” The New Yorker, 15 September 2020, pp. 1-11.

Æ      Zuboff, Shoshana. “The Right to the Future Tense.” The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power, Public Affairs, 2019, pp. 329-348.

Pair the aforementioned texts with one of the following texts:

Æ      Hartman, Saidiya. “The Anarchy of Colored Girls Assembled in a Riotous Manner.” Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicals, W.W. Norton & Company, 2019, pp. 229-256.

Æ      Nafisi, Azar. “Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran.” 2011. The New Humanities Reader, 5th edition, edited by Richard E Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer, Cengage, 2015, pp. 277-296 

Æ      Noë, Alva. “Air Guitar Styles.” Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature, Hill and Wang, 2015, pp. 168-181.


Each of our readings have addressed how social systems are designed to control human life. While most of the readings have focused on the past, Shoshanna Zuboff’s “The Right to the Future Tense” and Hua Hsu’s “The New Monuments That America Needs” turn toward the future. Both authors ask us to wrestle with our views of the world. For Hsu, the future depends on whether we “surrender to an illusion that [history] is fixed” (11) while Zuboff contends that it depends on whether we “choose the fallibility of shared promises and problem solving over the certain tyranny imposed by a dominant power” (337). Collective uncertainty, then, becomes a necessary attribute of a human future. Using Hsu, Zuboff, and one other reading from the semester, analyze how collective uncertainty facilitates your ideal future. Phrased differently, rather than thinking about resistance or oppression, let’s think about creation by answering the following question:

How might embracing uncertainty affect the future we create or imagine?


Below are some further questions that may be useful to consider in generating your argument. Remember that you only need to address the above prompt in bold:

Æ      If we recognize that the present and/or past are unstable, what changes about how we view the future?

Æ      Does understanding the world as out of our complete control make us more or less likely to think we can change it?

Æ      If the world is constantly changing, what is our relationship to the present? What is our relationship to ourselves?


You must proofread carefully.

Quotations should be carefully transcribed, punctuated, and attributed. For bibliographic conventions, you may use MLA (preferred), APA, or Chicago style. Use 1.0-inch margins on all sides, double-spacing, and twelve-point serif font (e.g. Times New Roman, Garamond, Palatino, or Baskerville). Number all pages. The paper should have your name, the date, and course information on the first page (as outlined in the attached “Style Guide”). Title your paper. Submit your paper electronically via Sakai’s “Assignments.” Email submissions are not acceptable.

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Embracing Uncertainty
Holding on to unpredictability involves accepting the unpredictable nature of life and not allowing fear or anxiety to prevent you from taking risks or pursuing the things you want. It means having the courage to face the unknown and trusting yourself to make the right decisions. It also entails being open to the possibility that things may not always work out but being willing to take the chance anyway. The concept of holding on to uncertainty is that we can all live with something and use it to our advantage instead of trying to reduce or eliminate it. Taking up risk means accepting uncertainty as a part of life and actively seeking out uncertainty to grow, learn, and progress. Clinching on riskiness can be difficult, as many people are used to feeling in control and having a plan. By recognizing that unreliability is just a part of life, we can embrace it and use it to our benefit (Hsu 07). The idea of holding to uncertainty affects the future we create or imagine. The discussion, therefore, focuses on how accepting unpredictability can influence our time ahead in life.
Embracing ambiguity can lead to more innovative and creative solutions for the future. We open ourselves to new possibilities and perspectives when we take up uncertainty. We push past our comfort zone and become more creative and innovative. One becomes more open to trying new things and taking risks, more tolerant of failure and more willing to experiment. This act can lead to more effective solutions tailored to the specific situation's needs. In addition, we become more resilient and better equipped with ideas to tackle new challenges. One can innovate better solutions through openness to change and learn from mistakes. By holding on to anxiety, one becomes more open-minded and flexible in pursuing the future (Zuboff, 337). It can open up new possibilities and prepare individuals to face whatever may come their way. Ultimately, embracing uncertainty leads to more creative and innovative solutions because it encourages people to take risks, think outside the box, and try new things. This idea can contribute to positive changes in the future.
Holding on to uncertainties can open up opportunities for new ideas and approaches that would otherwise be overlooked. Embracing risks can foster more considerable solutions because approaching a problem with an open mind allows for new ideas and solutions that may not have been considered before (Chesworth, 856). Embracing uncertainty also enables people to explore possibilities and ideas they had not previously thought of. The situation creates an environment for creativity and exploration, which can open new doors and lead to solutions that we may not have otherwise examined. This action can be especially beneficial when trying to imagine a future, as it enables us to consider potential outcomes that may not have been within reach. By being open to the unknown, we expand our potential for realizing our desired future.
Embracing uncertainty can also lead to more collaboration among people and organizations, helping create a more unified future. Recognizing and accepting uncertainty can create a space for dialogue and partnership rather than allowing fear and uncertainty to take over. This deed can result in greater respect and understanding between individuals and groups. Holding on to uncertainty allows individuals to focus on the present and work together to create solutions. By accepting that the future is unpredictable and unknowns exist, people ca...
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