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Food Imagery, Self Discovery Through Foods, and Poverty and Hunger

Essay Instructions:

Choose four questions of the five exam questions. Compose a brief original essay (roughly 3-4 well-developed paragraphs) that reflects your understanding of and response to the texts in response to each question.  Be sure to thoroughly analyze the texts by addressing specific moments/quotes while you answer the questions about the underlying themes that these authors are trying to express. (Each response earns up to 25 points)

●      1. Many of our texts explore a characters growth and journey. What are common characteristics of these journeys and what do they reveal about our relationships to the larger community? Select one text from weeks 1 through 6 and two texts from weeks 7 through 13 as the basis for your analysis. Be sure to offer textual support by citing specific scenes and passages.

●      2. The garden of eden/paradise is frequently referenced explicitly or implicitly in several of our texts starting with Pythagoras argument in favor of a vegetarian diet, Babette's Feast, Kafka's "A Hunger Artist" and Updikes "A&P". It is often associated with abundance and innocence. What does a comparison of the food imagery reveal about each author's vision of a garden of eden on earth? Support the analysis with references to specific scenes/passages.

●      3. East Side Sushi, Last Night at the Lobster, Burnt, and Julie and Julia draw our attention to contemporary issues and depictions of the protagonists individual journeys. Compare the protagonists' journeys of self-discovery through their interactions with food? What is revealed about present day assumptions about healthy and unhealthy relationships with others and the substances that nourish our bodies and spirits? Make reference to specific scenes/passages to develop the response.

●      4. Neruda's Odes offers many literary allusions to celebrate the need for nourishing the spirit while M. F. K. Fisher's writings take a very varied approach to celebrating life and all that is has to offer. Compare and contrast the two author's approaches. What assumptions do they share? Where do they diverge? What does each offer that is of value to you? Support the analysis with references to specific scenes/passages.

●      5. Poverty and hunger have been existential threats to human beings throughout history. Compare and contrast Swift's Modest Proposal with Jack London's short story "A Piece of Steak" to draw attention to the need for action. Consider the genre each author has chosen as well as the language and literary devices such as specific symbols, allusions, metaphors, etc. Support the analysis with references to specific scenes/passages. 

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Exam Questions
2. The notion of paradise is something that is common in many works, especially in those that aim to provide hope. Paradise seems to be a concept where people can be free of suffering and unbound by limitations. Pythagoras’ argument in favor of a vegetarian diet is anchored on both abundance and innocence. In Pythagoras’ view, killing and eating animals stains the human soul for they are taking away life, in contrast with adapting vegetarianism where there is no killing involved, hence the “purity” or “innocence” can be retained and people can live in harmony. This is an indication that Pythagoras’ vision of Paradise is where people are not responsible for any termination of life.
In contrast, the notion of Paradise in Babette’s Feast seem to be of a place where pleasure can be expressed freely. Babette’s food connected quarreling congregants and shows her passion and gratitude to the sisters who took her in (“Babette’s Feast”). In Kafka’s A Hunger Artist, the main character died of hunger because of his desire for fame and his desire to eat what he likes.
“I always wanted you to admire my fasting … I have to fast, I can’t help it. because I couldn’t fnd the food I liked. If I had found it, believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like you or anyone else.” (Kafka)
In this case, it is clear that the author views paradise to be a place where appetizing and affective food are abundant, and where people do not consume food out of need for sustenance but out of need to be blessed by food. Finally, Updike’s A&P is mainly focused on freedom to be one’s own, and from this, we can surmise that the author’s idea of paradise is independence (Updike).
3. The films East Side Sushi, Burnt, and Julie & Julia, as well as the novel Last Night at the Lobster shows how food is interrelated in the lives of everyone. Though the subject matters in these works are based on the food industry, the scenes depict what the role of food is with the lives and relationships of people. For example, in Julie & Julia, the two characters shared things that linked them: their love for cooking and Julia’s book. Julia’s journey took her to many places and challenges, even rejection of her book. However, because of her persistence, she was able to succeed (“Julie & Julia”). On the other hand, themes of persistence and adversity during the characters’ journey are dominant in East Side Sushi and Burnt.
There are multiple assumptions depicted on the films about healthy and unhealthy relationships and substances. For example, in Last Night at the Lobster, Manny’s expectations of himself and Jacquie despite his relationship with Deena is an example of an unhealthy relationship with others (O’Nan). Another example of an unhealthy relationship is Julie’s attitude when her blog and cooking was gaining traction. Because of her growing fame, she disregards her marriage (“Julie & Julia’”).
On the other hand, healthy relationships are also present. For example, in East Side Sushi, Aki’s support for Juana is arguably one of the reasons why Juana triumphed in the end. Aki’s never-ending faith and encouragement sparked the same within Juana (“East Side Sushi”). Another example is Burnt, where Adam’s struggles with alcohol and drugs caused strains between him and his team multiple times, but through their passions for cooking and because of his dream to earn another Michelin star, he persisted and got better with the help of his team (“Burnt”)..
4. Neruda and Fisher share similar assumptions like their political and economic views. They are both critical of political issues that affect society, but their works show how they react to situations and convey their political or general opinions to the public. They express themselves through passion and imagination, but they do have distinct differences. Neruda’s odes are very straightforward, and at the same time complex. In his odes, he talks to common things like food, household items, plants, and other things. The level of complexity of his message in his work varies, but the underlying messages are scathing indictments on political issues. For example, in “Ode to Tomatoes,” Neruda describes the influence of Spain on Chile in a very complicated manner.
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