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Chinua Achebe’s “Home and Exile”: Perceived Symbols by Africans

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Chinua Achebe’s “Home and Exile” reveals Achebe’s life with his parents. He demonstrates his early career and education before becoming an author. The main idea in his book is on how people from West view African as harmful, dark and dehumanizing. Return and rebirth of Achebe influence home and exile. Moreover, the book gives autobiographical information about the author, Chinua Achebe as well as his thoughts on literature from within Africa and beyond. Therefore, His thoughts are plain, and they have a close tone to anecdotes in his lectures which aim at pleasing a large crowd.
In the first piece of his book ‘my home under imperial Fire,' focuses on autobiographical information about Achebe on his childhood. It only focuses on a bit of his family life but omits other information on childhood development (Complete review). Besides, Achebe focuses more on the influence of early literature. He focuses mostly on “Mister Johnson” by Joyce Cary because of the issues addressed in Nigeria by the European. Despite the European's negative attitude towards Africans, He still presents Cary's book as an inspiration to his work on literature.
Furthermore in the second piece, ‘The Empire Flights Back,' addresses the African literature which is analyzed by writers who are not from Africa. Chinua Achebe’s work raises the reaction of Nigerians and Europeans through criticism before reading it due to his African nature.
Lastly, ‘Today the balance of stories' examines the question of home and exile in exploration. It mostly addresses the contemporary situation but not solving the issue of African literary criticism (Complete review). The book is fairly mixed in various situations such as analysis of Literature in Africa and beyond. Also, they should because Achebe's writings are unfocused. Consequently, Home and Exile are essential as a means of introducing Afric...
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