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How does Hilda Satt Polacheck's Autobiography Reflect the Larger 19th Century Immigrant Experience?

Essay Instructions:

Double Spaced
Size 12 font
Chicago Style Citations (i.e. footnotes)
Quotations must be incorporated into your own sentences
Topic Prompt:
Consider the following quotes:
“The hardships Hilda Satt faced an immigrant in the 1890s have a familiar ring to them.”1
“Hilda Satt, like every immigrant, had to shape a new identity that reconciled her homeland culture with her American experience.”2
Main Topic Question:
How does Hilda Satt Polacheck’s autobiography reflect the larger 19th century immigrant experience?
As you formulate you answer, you may want to consider the following questions:
-What ‘push’/’pull’ factors attracted Satt and others to the United States? (i.e. What
is driving them from their home nations/drawing them to the U.S.?)
-How did her daily life change after moving to the U.S.?
-What institutions in the United States did immigrants use to help them identify as
These are only points/themes you may include in the paper
These aren't the only points to make, those are just options that teacher gave. 
Sources you may use in this essay (cant use outside sources)
-Going to the Source, Chapter 4, “Immigrant to the Promised Land,” p. 78-99
-Daniel E. Bender, “The Perils of Degeneration: Reform, the Savage Immigrant, and the
Survival of the Unfit,” Journal of Social History 42, no. 1 (Fall 2008): 5-29.
Link to the Daniel E. Bender Article is--- http://jsh(dot)oxfordjournals(dot)org/content/42/1/5.full.pdf+html
The word document I am attaching is from the start/outline of how the write wrote it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Hilda Satt Polacheck’s Autobiography Reflects the Larger 19th Century Immigrant Experience
The 19th century brought one of the largest phases of immigration in the United States. It was at a time that America was establishing its dominance and embracing political shifts that would favor. Some of the American legislators did not support the idea of immigrants coming into the country. However, the greater majority of the legislators and employers in a majority of the production sectors wanted the immigrants to come (Bender). This would mean that, the American culture would be enriched relative to the fact that there would be different cultures all coming together (Immigrant To The Promised Land). For the employers it was the availability of cheap labor that inspired their enthusiasm on the topic. However, of great importance is the experience that the immigrants went through as they came into the United States in the 19th century. One such immigrant was Hilda Satt, who came in from Poland with her family (Immigrant To The Promised Land). Her story reflects the experiences that the immigrants had when they arrived in the United States from various parts of the world (Bender).
For the immigrants to make the decision to leave their homeland and join a voyage to the United States, there were several push/pull factors that influenced the same. One of the factors that pushed them out of their country and pulled them to migrate to America, was the political atmosphere in their home country and that in the USA. For example, in the case of Satt, her family was Jewish and this meant that they were political targets for the Russians who controlled much of their homeland (Immigrant To The Promised Land). The Jews would be constantly attacked in bloody violent attacks by the Russian soldiers. They were also secluded in an area where they did not have much freedom surrounded by oppression and anti-Semitism. In the United States, however, persons of all manner of religious and political affiliations were taken in without any form of prejudice and if any, it wasn’t as rife as it was in Poland. This was a common factor for most of the immigrants that came to the United States, as most of them sought after political stability. The other factor was economical in that most of the people that came to America relied on the economic status of their homeland in comparison with that of the United States. When the United States experienced economic stability compared to the other places in the world such as Europe, the Europeans would come ...
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