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What were the Political Goals and Ideals of the American Revolutionary Leaders?

Essay Instructions:

4-5 pages typed double spaced essay with limited quoting-short quotes that assist in illustrating your argument. No more than two 1-2 sentence quotes per page.(each quote should be no longer than 2-3 lines long) Use MLA documentation. Information should be in your own words using the required class texts.
Readings and sources you MUST and ONLY use to write your essay: Tindall/Shi, Shi/Mayer, indians and american revolution documents (2), black declarations.pdf, women and the american revolution.pdf 
In this essay students will discuss the philosophical values and the political goals of the American Revolution and its leaders. Then evaluate the impact of the Revolution on women, blacks, and indians and how much or how little the revolutionaries values and goals affected these groups.
Focus on :What were the political goals and ideals of the American Revolutionary leaders? In other words what did they see as important to the creation of the newly emerging republic? How inclusive/exclusive were the revolutionary goals/ideals? What was the role/position of women, blacks and indians in this emerging republic? What impact would America's conception and impliementation of freedom, equality and liberty have not only in an American context but also a global context.

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Impact of the American Revolution
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Impact of the American Revolution
A revolution is a change in the political structure that happens within a very short time when the people rise against the ruling authorities. Any evidence of the creation of the United States, which is the American Revolution begun in the 1760s, when the British authority was overthrown (Berkin 15). This paper discusses the philosophical values and the goals of the revolution leaders. It also reviews the roles of women, blacks, and Indians during the revolution and the extent to which the revolutionary goals affected them.
Political goals and ideals of the American Revolutionary leaders
The American Revolutionary leaders’ main goal was to attain independence that is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from Britain. This was intended to preserve the rights of the people (Nash 19). The British colonist imposed a series of taxes to Americans to financially support their troop and to recover huge expenditures they incurred during the French war. Basic commodities like sugar, textile, coffee and any other goods that were shipped were taxed heavily. This did not go well with the Americans, as they had no one to represent them in British parliament. Cities that had their economies largely dependent on shipping goods were hit hard by the new taxes. This outraged many people in the States because they had no say on the taxes being imposed on them or how the money raised from taxes was spent. They only way out of this oppression was through fight for independence. The independence would then allow governance by consent of the people under its rule, which is otherwise known as democracy. Therefore, nobody was to force people to do what they felt was not fair. It was also ideal for people’s rights to be preserved so that everybody was treated with equality and humanity.
Before independence, the people living in the States were equally oppressed by the British. (Jemison 19) noted that the rise in the political and philosophical challenge to slavery stirred both white and black Americans alike. Everyone wanted to be free and be given a chance to enjoy their natural rights. That is the reason they joined efforts to liberate America and share the benefits equally. However, the same class of people that held power before independence was the same after revolution. Powerful people continued to rule and never gave a chance to low class. Rich people remained in power and the oppression of the poor still remained. In other words, the freedom that was regained from the British colonist was mostly for the rich and the most influential in the society. In as much as the slaves were set free they were not part of the democracy.
Even though the institution of slavery was philosophically challenged, white Americans remained uncomfortable with the social and economic effects of liberation. Thomas Jefferson among others believed that blacks were permanently inferior to whites both mentally and morally (Banneker 26). This ideology was challenged by many African Americans but even so, the racial discrimination is still seen today. Therefore in my opinion, some the revolutionary goals and ideals were exclusive to a certain class of people while others included everybody.
Role/position of women, blacks, and Indians during the American Revolution
According to (Berkin 16) the start of the war, women’s role was very crucial in the struggle for independence. They spied on enemy troops and leaked any necessary information on that would save the American generals from ...
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