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Compose a Critical Analysis on "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad

Essay Instructions:

Prompt from English Professor:
After reading pages 3 through 159 of "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, make sure to compose a critical analysis of your own of what "Heart of Darkness" says to you about the human condition such as one of the following oppression, racism, imperialism, realism, etc... 
You may consider ONLY ONE of the following six approaches for this essay:
Option 1: In what way do we get the sense that Marlowe is himself a racist?
Option 2: In what way do we get the sense that Marlowe comprehends the fallacy of racism?
Option 3: How is Kurtz simply a man misguided by his influences?
Option 4: How is Kurtz plainly guilty of an unfettered ego?
Option 5: How might Conrad be making an honest claim that the "horrors" a man commits can be realized?
Option 6: What does "Heart of Darkness" suggest about the women's role in an otherwise oppressively masculine environment? 
Remember the entire argument, with the exception of the quotes you utilize from the novel, must be entirely of your own composition. In other words, you can focus on making an argument about whatever theme or idea or message about humankind that you think is present in the novel. Whatever you decide to approach in your writing make sure you are following a clear and focused argument with a thesis and clear supporting points in your body paragraphs. For this essay your only source is the novel "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad.
In addition, every point in your paragraphs should be focused with your thesis argument. You must include quotes in your essay but make sure to avoid long quotes more than two sentences long. Focus on using short quotes that are about one sentence or two sentences. Also be sure to use a minimum of 6 quotes and be sure to cite your quotes with the page numbers from only pages 3 through page 159 of the novel.
Notes from me the Student:
The Essay must be 6 pages in Times New Roman Font with 1 inch margins all around.
Here the only source require for this essay it the book called by "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. The Third Edition (Edited by Ross Murfin). Bedord/St.Martin's, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA. 2011. Print. The ISBN number for "Heart of Darkness" is 13:978-0-312-45753-2. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Heart of Darkness
Course title:
Heart of Darkness is a fictional story that revolves around the main character Marlow. The story depicts the life of colonialists in the African continent. Taking the reader through the journey of the main character Marlow, the story shows how misguided influences gets in the way of their initial plans. What then follows are unachieved dreams which end on self-destruction. The discussion herein revolves around Kurtz and seeks to show that he was misguided by his influences. In the paper, various examples have been given to show that indeed the life of Kurtz was misguided by his influences and hence the resulting effect.
Kurtz the god
Besides his ambitions and hard work, Kurtz is seen as a god. Those who know him talk highly about him and they appear to revere and adore him. Marlow, for instance believes that Kurtz has certain abilities that no one else has. Although Kurtz may be hardworking and ambitious, he also portrays elements of greed (Conrad, p. 56). He takes advantage of the fact that the people he leads are uncivilized and unexposed. He appears to look down on them and assumes that they will not question his actions. Although he is influential, his greed misguides him into becoming a person not worth of respect bestowed on him. The people in the society think highly of him, yet he is misguided by his influences and loses the respect.
As a result, the initial plans he has are aborted by his love and greed for money. He realizes that he can make a lot of money through the sale of ivory. He therefore turns to the very people who have looked up to him for guidance. As a god, Kurtz was supposed to help the African people gain civilization (Conrad, p. 36-9). They saw him as more superior to them and believed that through him, they would get the help they needed. Unfortunately, his limitless ambitions came in the way and he lost track of direction. A good indication to show that Kurtz loses direction is the fact that he end up self-destructed. He is too ambitious and his focus of illegal ivory trade turns him into a person that not even him can recognize any more. Therefore, one indication that Kurtz was misguided by his influences is that he dies having not achieved his goals. He realized way too late that he had gone off course. It is as if he would have wanted to hold to life longer and undo the wrongs that he did. Unfortunately his health failed him and he passed on.
As a god, Kurtz possesses all the features. He was strong, wise and ambitious. One cannot, however, help but notice that his name was interpreted to mean one of little stature or short in height. This means, therefore, that his name contrasted with the position that he held. It means that Kurtz could not possibly live up to his name of a god. It was as if to suggest that even if he had the features to liberate the native Africans, he was bound to fail (Conrad, p. 35). In his death, Kurtz recognizes that he has let down and disappointed all those who looked up to him. Looking back, he realized that pretty much of what he did was for his own benefit. He did not help the native Africans who had looked up to him for guidance. His death was a shame as he knew that he had not accomplished the goals which he had initially set. Even having been bestowed as a god, he is misguided by his influences and is unable to live up to the meaning of his title. He is a sham and dies a sad death for not having fulfilled the promises he made to the natives.
Obsession and Ivory
At the beginning of the book, Kurtz appears to be a level minded person. It is for that reason that the natives trust him with showing him the way. Halfway through the journey, something happens. He develops an obsession for ivory. The obsession turns to him into a different person (Conrad p. 96-8). He is no longer loyal to the natives neither is he is loyal to his home country. Marlow notes that his love and obsession for ivory turns him into a strange person. His heart is now filled with darkness as he no longer seems to pay any attention to anything except ivory. The title The Heart of Darkness has been used figuratively to refer to Kurtz. By the time Kurtz died, his heart was full of darkness. No one seemed to understand him anymore. He had been swayed around by the various influences and circumstances in his life. He was misguided by the circumstances in his life until he became a victim of his own deeds.
When Kurtz came to Africa the natives though well of him. According to them, he has to spread civilization to the natives. The objective was to ...
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