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Women Social Status within the Society Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

A five-page paper comparing two (or more) books, one of which must come from the assignments after Cooper. Like the first, this paper is not intended as a research paper. Rather, you should read closely the books about which you are writing and show how the topic or issue you have chosen is treated in those books. Cite passages, refer to incidents, discuss characters where the author is developing his ideas about the issue. (If you do any research, make sure to footnote what you have found and to provide a bibliography.) Be sure you have a coherent and clearly stated thesis. Below is a list of suggested topics. 
What holds us together?
The representation of slavery in Stowe and Douglass.
Identity and Society.
Ideas of Women.
Is there such thing as a general person?
Here are the two books you are going to compare:
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (http://www(dot)pagebypagebooks(dot)com/Harriet_Beecher_Stowe/Uncle_Toms_Cabin/)
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance(http://etc(dot)usf(dot)edu/lit2go/150/the-blithedale-romance/)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Women Social Status within the Society
Male chauvinism has dominated many societies since the ancient times. Women ideas are not considered or prioritized within the society. Many societies do not trust the ideas and opinions of the women in reference to the social issues affecting the society. Having learned that women are very influential within the society it is very important to allow them to express themselves and have their ideas appreciated and implemented by the society. Most of the members within the society never engage women in decision making. Some of the decisions which might be very significant to the society might have a negative impact due to lack of negotiation of thoughts among the individuals of the society.
In the books "The Blithedale Romance" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe, they both give women different priorities within the society in their books. In comparison to the writers views, women ideas are accepted while in other areas women are not allowed to express themselves neither their opinions listened to. The books, even though they expound on different scenarios, we can identify the different perceptions of women within the society. In their books, women are seen as an important part of the society but there are boundaries created which prevent the women from their free expression compared to the male gender within the society. From this we can, therefore, figure out and demonstrate significant similarities and differences of women perception in the society as expressed by the two authors.
From the story of Stowe in the book about the mother, we see the daughter, Eliza, who was brought up by her mother and is not allowed to make her choice, a condition which leads to her being married as a slave. As she is described, she has dazzling beauty to an extent that people did not expect such a beautiful girl to be married to a slave in the next empire CITATION Sto \p 1 \l 1033 (Stowe 1). This is an indication that she shall become a slave too. Her opinion is not given a chance and she can’t express her demands on the type of marriage she wants, instead, the choice is made for her. Even though she seems happy in the marriage, the loss of the two infants who were twins seems to strike her heart the most. She is not happy as she grieves her dead children. Her husband is dismissed from the job, and life seems to be worsening. She pleaded with the employer for her husband to be retained to the job but there was no consideration taken from her.
Different from the mother story narration by Stowe, a woman in the story about "Zenobia’ legend" by Hawthorne is painted positively. The strength of the women in the Hawthorne story is demonstrated to be very significant CITATION Haw52 \p 1 \l 1033 (Hawthorne 1). Zenobia is a very powerful woman within the society. She demonstrates her intelligence as she gives narration to the society on significant societal matters. She uses quotes from Shakespeare to depict how equipped she is intellectually. The freedom of woman is also shown through her. She is said to have the gift of story narration. Therefore, she is left by the society to express her thought through the story telling. Her version of magnifying women within the society through the stories which she explains is very efficient. Women are so powerful to an extent that they can even intimidate men within the society as shown from the narration of "The Silvery Veil."
In the story of Miss Ophelia’s Experiences and Opinions by Stowe, women seem to be very educated, but they have no chance to express their intelligence within the society. Mrs. Shelby, who is very educated, is only offered to work as a housekeeper. The women were on restriction to exercise their brilliance only in such diminishing fields but not in other productive areas. Another intellectual woman is Dinah. She was an expert in the cookery department (Stowe 4). She is rated as the most civilized woman in the southern but what job does she do? Cookery. She is a self-genius as she is declared that she never went to any education but she is an expert in this area. In this story even women seem not to respect their fellow women as observed when Miss Ophelia enters the kitchen....
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