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Hanna Rosins' Argument about the Future of Women and Men in the Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Keep in mind that the writer of the article articulates her own point of view, using a variety of argumentative strategies. You do not have to agree with her (and you should not assume that I do), but you do need to read carefully, using the skills that you have developed during this class, to analyze the argument. You will also want to consider which arguments you find most credible and why.
Timed Essay 2 is going to ask you to create an argument based on this article. Make sure to read it carefully.
Question: The essay by Hanna Rosin makes an argument about the future of women and men in the workforce. After reading the essay, evaluate the strength of its argument, explaining to what extent you do (or do not) find it convincing. You should refer to specific strategies from the essay, such as quoting, research, and counter-argument. Does the writer contextualize quotations? Does the writer include credible research? Does the writer anticipate counterarguments? These are some examples of the methods you will use to evaluate the essay. You must cite examples from the essay when you answer the question.

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The End of Men
Hanna Rosin delivers an interesting piece that forces one to think critically and assess the situation at hand. In the article titled The End of Men, Rosin delivers a mouthwatering piece with the central argument being that women are taking over the world as men sit back and watch. Rosin makes her case while focusing on how the workforce is changing and with that the role of men and women in the world. In her attention-getter, Rosin asks the question “But what if equality isn’t the end point?” This question sets the stage for the entire article as she presents her case while demystifying the notion of equality through the changing employment landscape. The article does make a compelling argument since Rosin uses several strategies to enhance her point, and to convince her audience of her belief in the notion that the era of men is indeed coming to an end.
First, Rosin makes use of quoting throughout the article. It is crucial to note that quoting in itself is not a strategy unless the quoted individuals and sources are credible. In the article, Rosin quotes relevant and credible sources that can be said to be authorities in the topic at hand. For example, she quotes the French feminist writer known as Simone de Beauvoir whose 1949 book titled The Second Sex, sought to explain the way women detested the idea of conceiving girls. de Beauvoir is a credible source whose book is indeed available to be read. Any person who wishes to confirm the comments she made can simply buy the book and read for themselves. In another instance, Rosin quotes the remarks of Monica Das Gupta, “a demographer and Asia expert at the World Bank.” Das Gupta had commented on the notion that m...
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