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Paleontology in News: New Dinosaur found in Chile

Essay Instructions:

Format and Guidelines:

• Due on Sunday December 26, 2021 by 11:59 pm.

o You must submit this assignment through the course website (assignments page on sakai).

• Using the Google News Archive Search engine (or any other online magazine, newspaper, or other search engine) find an article published in the last 3 months that covers any paleontology or dinosaur related topic. (http://news(dot)google(dot)com/archivesearch) o Publication date of article must be between October 1st , 2021 and the due date. If you use an article that does not fit within this time frame, it will not be accepted and you will receive a ZERO. o Your article must be published from a reputable news site/source and not an Internet blog, etc. You can email me the link to take a look at your article if you are unsure if you can use it or not.

• Write a Minimum 500-word analysis of this article. If you are under the minimum word requirement you will AUTOMATICALLY loose 15 points from your assignment!!! The header, works cited and any other extra words DO NOT count towards your word requirement.

o Analysis: I am not looking for a simple summary of the article. You will have to briefly summarize the article, but this should not take up more than ~25% of your paper. The rest of your paper should analyze the article and should touch on some (but not limited to) the following topics: § Importance of the discovery/find, how it changes our previously held notions, how it relates to class, why you find it interesting, etc.

o You must cite your references within and at the end of your paper. Failure to cite in both places will result in an automatic 10-point deduction. o Works cited page: List of references used in your paper at the end of the text.

§ You can use MLA format for this or a format of your choosing. Please be sure that you are consistent with your formatting and that you include all relevant information about each source used in this section. Do not just include the link to the article. You must put as much information about the article as you can find. (Continued on page 2)

2 o Within Line Citations: Any time you use information or an idea that is not your own, you must cite the original source within your paper 
§ If you are writing several sentences from the same source, please cite that source at the end of those sentences (before switching to another source) or at the end of the paragraph.
§ If you switch sources within a paragraph, you must cite the different sources at the end of each sentence.
§ Please use the following format when citing within the text.
• (Author or authors last name, year source was published)
• Here is an example (Adamo, 2018).
§ Footnotes are also acceptable.
o Quotations: This is a very short written assignment and there is no need to put quoted portions of your article in your paper. Doing this defeats the purpose of this assignment and papers with more than two article quotations will automatically loose 15 points. When summarizing and analyzing your article, please put everything in your own words and cite the original source.

Plagiarism and Cheating
• Plagiarism or copying another writers words is unethical and a violation of academic integrity. Be sure to write everything in your own words.
• All papers will be analyzed by a plagiarism detecting service (Turnitin.com), and if your paper is flagged, you will receive a zero for the assignment and must rewrite the assignment.
• If yo choose not to rewrite the assignment, you will receive an automatic F in the class, and the case will be turned over to the Dean of Academic Integrity.
• If you rewrite the assignment, you will still receive a zero for the assignment, but you will not receive an automatic F in the class and case will not be turned over to the Dean of Academic Integrity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Instructor's Name
New Dinosaur found in Chile
A news article established by Elbein on 1st December 2021 addresses the discovery of a dinosaur in Chile which had unique characteristics such as a black ax tail. The article majorly focuses on discovering ankylosaur, a particular type of dinosaur with an effective defense mechanism. The dinosaur is also unique due to its heavy armor (Elbein). It is named Stegouros elengassen, which adequately shows the origin of different dinosaurs. However, the species also lack common traits in a dinosaur, such as a ponytail. The uniqueness shows different paleontologist activities that may be occurring in Chile. It is a unique discovery in Chile since it is one of the types of dinosaurs that uses the tail as a defense weapon. It only relates to different discoveries in Asia and North America. Additionally, the other relatives of the animals had been discovered in Antarctica and South America showing its uniqueness and importance in paleontology. It is significant since it creates a better understanding of dinosaurs' different defense mechanisms, which is substantial in studying the dinosaurs.
Based on the analysis, the discovery was unique since it embraced different characteristics, which is unique from the past discoveries, such as focusing on the animal's tail. In the past, most research activities have been linked to dinosaurs' typical characteristics, such as long tails. However, the central aspect of the discovery was the use of different techniques by the researchers, such as radiometric techniques, to determine the uniqueness of the tail and other defense mechanism characteristics, which were effectively addressed (Elbein). The discovery is essential since it creates a better understanding of the unique components of dinosaurs. The information is also crucial since it shows the increased evolvement of dinosaurs regardless of their extinction. It is also vital to discover different elements of dinosaurs since it allows the researchers to understand the evolving characteristics of the dinosaurs.
The discovery is essential since it allows the researchers to understand the defense mechanism of the dinosaurs. Defense is a significant component in paleontology that most learners advocate for. It enables them to adequately focus on appropriate measures of grouping the animals depending on their ability to defend themselves from the predators. Stego...
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