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Gun Control in the US

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Gun Control
In the U.S, the second amendment gift people the right to own guns. The Second Amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The statement above has been the subject of numerous debates as people are trying first to understand what it means and whether it applies to modern-day America. However, with numerous mass shootings being reported in the U.S., many people have started to question the rationale of having such a statement be a part of the constitution of a country like the U.S. A few days ago, the country was in shock as 19-year-old Brandon Hole decided to head to his former employer and kill eight people. According to the police, the young man then decided to kill himself (Almasy, Hanna, Watts, 2021). This report is but one among many that have already been reported this year. In 2017 and 2018, the country was in shock as 58 people were killed in a festival while 17 others were killed in a school, respectively (Masters, 2019). These are among the few high-profile incidents that happen to catch the attention of the country and the world. Such cases imply that people cannot be trusted to handle guns. Acquiring a gun should not be as easy as it is today. The government needs to find ways to make it difficult for perpetrators to acquire guns, and this can only happen through stricter gun laws. Provided herein is an essay that seeks to make a case for stricter gun laws by referencing the increased rate of mass shootings, the emotional rollercoaster of the bereaved, and a personal experience that left me with a firm belief in stricter gun laws.
According to the Statista Research Department, by April 15th, the U.S. had already recorded four mass shootings in 2021. Such a statistic is quite shocking considering we are only in the first quarter of the year. In 2018, Statista Research Department reports that the country recorded 12 mass shootings. Lives are lost every year as these mass shootings continue to increase. While looking at these numbers, different people will pick different things. However, one of the most obvious inferences from such statistics is that guns are becoming readily available to everyone sick enough to take innocent lives. How many lives will be lost before the country decides enough is enough and adopts policies that restrict gun access? As shown in the graph below, the number of mass shootings have been rising since 1982. The question that comes to mind is why the government would allow such a trend to gain traction and not curtail it? Why is it easy for someone to acquire a gun, enter a church and kill 26 people? Change is indeed imminent. There need to be laws adopted to help reduce the number of mass shootings.
Who will ever forget the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting? To this day, the incident that occurred on the 14th of December 2012 remains fresh in the mind of every American. On this fateful day, Adam Lanza entered an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 26 people, including 20 students and six adults (Kranz and Harrington). The 20 students who were killed were aged between 6 and 7 years. The whole country was at a standstill as this news broke. No one wanted to take the blame for what had happened. As is always the case, the proponents for stricter gun laws used the case to spread their message, noting that guns are finding their way into the wrong hands. On the other hand, the opponen...
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