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Global Customs, Rituals, and Values

Essay Instructions:

For your first formal essay assignment, you will write about how values are shaped by cultural traditions. Your goal for this essay is to visualize for your reader what unique rituals are associated with a particular custom and why values are strengthened or eroded by keeping this tradition relevant to the community? You will use the readings for this module to stimulate a focused thesis statement to illustrate and support your argument or claim about values. You should consider narrowing your topic to a debatable issue that offers a pro and con side.
Although an outline is not required for this assignment, you might want to organize your ideas logically to maximize your ability to make assertions.
Use MLA format--review the document "Formatting the Essay" in Writing Process sub-unit about font, size, margins, spacing, etc.
Essays should be written in third person point of view--No "you's" or "I's"
Two full pages plus a Works Cited page.

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Global Customs, Rituals, and Values
Cultures have concealed and visible elements. The visible features are symbols, rituals, artifacts, practices, language, dress, traditions, and art. On the contrary, the hidden cultural aspects include beliefs, assumptions, and values. Values are an integral part of a culture and shape tangible cultural aspects. For instance, a culture that emphasizes success is usually achievement-oriented and prioritizes capitalism, wealth, and ambitious behavior. Values are shaped by cultural traditions and are strengthened by keeping them relevant to the community.
Cultural traditions significantly shape values. In particular, values involve the standards that determine what is just and good in society. They are deeply embedded in individuals’ beliefs and assumptions. Values shape society since they suggest what is good, right, bad, wrong, beautiful, ugly, acceptable, or unacceptable (Armstrong). For instance, society considers children pure and innocent. In that light, people are expected to handle babies well and raise them in a way that they will appreciate things in society. Cultural traditions help people to respect each other. For example, young individuals are expected to respect their seniors. Values enable society to be orderly. Every individual is expected to play significant roles, and the failure to do that leads to cultural betrayal. For instance, parents are expected to take care of their children, and those who fail are neglected by society.
Rituals are associated with a particular custom. Specifically, rituals comprise a series of actions that are performed by following an established order. Individuals are supposed to perform rituals as directed by their cultural traditions. In addition, customs are the traditionally accepted ways of doing things or behaving, which are unique for every cultur...
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