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Consequences, Duties, and Virtues Applied

Essay Instructions:

For the essay assignment, you will apply the different normative ethical theories discussed in the course to this case. You will consider whether corporate executives within Kraft and other corporations should advertise unhealthy food to young children. Imagine that you are a Kraft (Links to an external site.) executive tasked with determining whether or not to advertise (or to continue advertising) food widely considered to be unhealthy to young children. Of course, there are considerable economic factors involved here. But there are also moral facts to consider.
Primary article
Kraft Foods Inc.: The Cost of Advertising on Children’s Waistlines
Explain the case
First paragraph: summary
Summarize the situation. What are the options available to you and what might be some of the outcomes of each? Of course, your options are to recommend advertising or not advertising such food to this audience. Be sure to state that. Be sure to be specific, citing relevant facts mentioned in the primary article. Describe the situation in a way that someone unfamiliar with the situation would be able to understand it sufficiently to follow your thinking through the rest of your essay.
Apply the ethical theories
Second paragraph: Act Consequentialism
First, explain (a) what determines which action in any situation is morally required according to Act Consequentialism and (b) the purpose of secondary rules within Act Consequentialism .
Second, discuss the character's options using Act Consequentialism.
What are two or three of the most likely significant consequences of each option?
What intrinsically good or bad things are associated with these consequences (pain? pleasure? community? knowledge? virtue? health? achievement? freedom?)
Which secondary rules would be relevant in this situation? Recall that since we almost always lack sufficient information and time to determine which option maximizes intrinsic good, we are forced to rely on secondary rules to guide our decision making. Which ones are relevant here?
Note: You need not arrive at a definite conclusion about which would be the required choice according to Act Consequentialism nor about what you ought to choose—rather, demonstrate your understanding by discussing which consideration in this situation would be relevant for arrive at a conclusion.
Third paragraph: Immanuel Kant (humanity formulation only)
Consider your options through the lens of Kant’s humanity formulation, which would emphasize treating persons always as ends and never merely as means.
First, explain how the morality of actions are assessed according to Kant’s Humanity Formulation of the Categorical Imperative.
Second, discuss your options using Kant’s Humanity Formulation of the categorical imperative. How does each option accord with Kant’s suggestion that we ought always to treat other people as ends and never merely as means? For each option, does doing it fail to treat anyone as an end? Does it treat anyone as a mere means? Is there a clearly right answer for Kant here? Explain.
The morally right action would, of course, be the one that avoids treating others as mere means while also treating them, as far as possible, as ends. In your response, you do not need to determine which option would be the right action according Kant’s humanity formulation. Rather, you’re highlighting the factors would be relevant to determining which option is right one, assessing the choices within Kant’s framework.
Fourth paragraph: Ross’s theory of prima facie ethics
Consider your options through the lens of W.D. Ross’s theory of prima facie ethics, which would emphasize consideration of several types of duties.
First, explain Ross’s theory of prima facie duties.
Second, discuss your options using Ross’s Theory of Prima Facie Ethics. Answer these questions in your discussion: What prima facie duties would you have in this situation? List all of those that would provide a moral reason for each option. Be clear about which prima facie duties go with which decision. The morally right action would, of course, be the one that fulfills the character's actual duty, that one of the character's prima facie duties that is, as Ross says, the most stringent in that situation. In your response, you do not need to determine which choice would be the right action according W.D. Ross’s theory of prima facie ethics. Rather, you’re highlighting the factors would be relevant to determining which choice is right one, assessing the choices within Ross’s framework.
While Ross would say that we cannot know with absolute certainty which among our prima facie duties is the actual duty in that situation, which one do you think would be the character's actual duty?
Note: Don’t just list Ross’s general categories of prima facie duties. Rather, list which prima facie duties you would have and to whom. For example: Don’t just say that you would have prima facie duties of fidelity, gratitude, beneficence, etc. Say, rather, that you have a duty to keep a promise to X to do Y, and a duty not to harm Z. Doing this will make more evident whether you would have multiple instances of the same kind of duty (say, a duty to keep promises to a number of different people).
Fifth paragraph: Virtue ethics
Consider the options through the lens of virtue ethics, which would involve making the choice that a fully virtuous person would characteristically choose in that type of situation.
First, explain virtue ethics as presented in the course and in the assigned readings.
Second, discuss the options using the virtue ethical theory of morality. The morally right action would, of course, be the one that involves acting a virtuous way. In your response, you do not need to determine with certainty which option would be the right action according virtue ethics. Rather, you’re highlighting the factors would be relevant to determining which choice is right one, assessing the options within a virtue ethics framework. Which considerations would be relevant to the situation, according to the virtue ethical theory?
To do that, discuss two virtues that seem relevant to the situation. Give a detailed sketch of how the virtues you mention would play out. You can choose from among the virtues discussed by Hurka (compassion, beneficence, courage) and Hursthouse. You could also consider these virtues: loyalty, love, consideration, generosity, trustworthiness (use the definitions at https://virtuesproject(dot)com/virtuesdef.html (Links to an external site.))
Then for each virtue write two or three sentences developing the virtue further using Hursthouse's discussion of honesty as a model. That is, describe those virtues in more details regarding (a) which type of actions would characterize someone with that virtue, (b) how would they carry out those actions, (c) what emotions and attitudes would they have that would be informed by having that virtue.
Then explain how an overall virtuous person might respond in this situation (bringing together the two virtues you discussed).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Consequences, Duties, and Virtues Applied
Based on the correct normative values in this case and observing all the philosophical and ethical theories related to the aspect in consideration. Kraft Foods Inc., the largest food and Beverage Corporation in North America, has expanded significantly since its humble origins in 1903 (Housman et al. 1). I have to precisely determine whether or not to advertise food widely deliberated to be unhealthy to young children (Alom 137). There are considerable economic factors involved here. However, there are also moral facts to consider in this case. The foods considered for the young children will precisely cause harm to the children (Hursthouse and Pettigrove 460). Therefore, I believe that they should not be advertised or sold to young people. Even if this institution has to consider the economic factors associated with this matter, they have to put the lives of the children first.
In considering the act of consequentialism, there is a need to consider the rules terms of goodness of their consequences and the precise claims that these rules are likely to determine which acts are morally wrong (Alom 138). This act considers only what right to people is moral. In connecting this to Kraft Foods Inc., I would think the company to precisely practice moral ethics and not advertise or sell unhealthy foods to children, considering the action's possible consequences (Hursthouse and Pettigrove 461). These options precisely have different effects, and the morally correct choice would bring a positive outcome. In contrast, the ethically wrong option will likely yield meaningful results since the consequential theory does not approve them precisely.
Observing the scenario through the Kant humanity formulation states that as an end in it, humans should not be treated as a means to an end, but always as ends in themselves. The corporate executives within Kraft should realize that there is intr...
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