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Literature & Language
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Why is global cooperation important? Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assessment

When you have completed all the exercises in iQ3. you will see a last assignment is a Writing Assessment.

1. Instead of doingthe writing assessment in iQ3 I want you to write it in WORD.

2. When you havecompleted a draft in WORD, you will send it to THINKINGSTORM (via Blackboard)for feedback.

3. Then you willmake the suggested improvements to your writing, and then give it to me for finalgrading.

Topic of Writing Assignment Unit 4

In this assignment you are going to write an essay in response to a question. As you prepare your essay, think about the Unit Question. "Why is global cooperation important?" Choose one of the topics below:

1. Write an essay that directly answers the Unit Question, "Why is global cooperation important?" Organize your supporting ideas using specificity, emphasis, or time.

2. Write an essay that answers the question, "How can countries work together to solve a problem?" Consider an issue such as global poverty, immigration, conservation, trade, or human rights. Organize your supporting ideas using specificity emphasis, or time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Why Is Global Cooperation Important?
The challenges our world faces are complex enough to call for wider international cooperation. In contrast to a more conventional state of affairs, where geographies define roles countries play, more recent developments have shown clearly international cooperation is not an option. There are as many emerging and potential risks and challenges 21st century world is facing – and, for that matter, is likely to face in upcoming decades – including, yet not limited to, global warming, migration, terrorism, water scarcity, pandemics and many more. Today, challenges, mostly arising from unconventional, non-military sources, such as just mentioned, but from a diversity of sources cutting across geographies, national boundaries, jurisdictions and, often, resources. The current state of COVID-19 pandemic is, for one, a case in point on a necessity, if not inevitability, of international cooperation. The current global race for a vaccine is, for instance, only one example of why international cooperation is important. Specifically, data-sharing, progress in vaccine development, quarantine protocols and resource management are only a few examples in only one case, i.e. COVID-19, showing how collaboration is crucial to develop a COVID-19 vaccine – fast.
Beyond pandemics, global warming is just as urgent case for international cooperation. Given recent economic activities my emerging economies, particularly China and India, scale and reach of global warming is now at unprecedented levels. In addition to a growing body of
Student Last Name2
research showing effects of global warming, everyone can already feel rapid and, sometimes
deep, changes in frequency and intensity of weather phenomena such as temperature, rain,
humidity, and hu...
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