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Frankenstein. Frankenstein sparked conversations about the nature of the Romantic hero

Essay Instructions:

Over the course of its 200 year history, Frankenstein sparked conversations about the nature of the Romantic hero. Making references to specific passages in the text, explain whether you believe Victor Frankenstein to be a heroic figure or not. What experiences does he have that would make him as a hero? Which experiences would mark him as something less than heroic? What do you think makes a person heroic?

Keep the focus of your discussion the novel itself in an initial post that is at least 500 words long. Then, respond to two of your peers’ posts in at least 200 words each. You must make your initial post before you will able to see peers’ posts.

All three elements — one initial and two response posts — must be submitted by the due date for the assignment to be considered complete.

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Majority of the depictions of a hero tend to portray the picture of an individual with extraordinary powers. However, a hero is a genuine, selfless individual who works towards bringing about positive change. Heroes consider the possibilities of their actions affecting others before they act, and most importantly, their actions are directed towards benefiting the society. Judging by the story, Victor Frankenstein does not display such characteristics. In fact, Victor can be regarded as the villain in the story. At first, Victor’s creature can be well-thought-out as a symbol of evil, whose intention is to destroy the lives of others. The creature is seen to mercilessly kill people and bring havoc. Victor is portrayed as the person who strives to restore balance once again by looking for means to overcome the monster.
From a different perspective, the creature can be seen as the victim of Victor’s obsession. Victor is responsible for the monster’s actions since he is the creator, and this makes him the villain rather than the hero. Victor was a well-educated individual, having attended the best university and studied the works of ancient alchemists from a young age. The vast amount of knowledge that the scientist gained from an early age enabled him to understand the possible dangers of creating a human being. Despite his knowledge of such negative effects, Victor went ahead to create a monster, hence inflicting a curse upon the human race. The scientist’s obsession with creating life clouded his thoughts and led him to ignore the effects of his creation from the very beginning. Victor knew that his experiments were against the na...
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