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Foundations and Transformation Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

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Analyze LuXun's text "New Year's Sacrifice and discuss its relationship with “tradition” (as represented by the texts we’ve read this semester - the Analects, Dao De Jing, Heart Sutra etc).

QUESTION: Does the text "New Year's Sacrifice" make a total, definitive break with traditional philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism) and literature, or does it retain, return to, reinterpret, or reinvent certain elements of it?

Important note: Emphasize the comparison between Lu Xun's "New Year's Sacrifice" and the traditional thought using the examples and text from "the Analects" (Confucianism), "Dao De Jing" (Taoism)and Heart Sutra (Buddhism). I will attach some short slides about the main values of these traditional thought, and the links for each text.

https://ctext(dot)org/dao-de-jing (Dao De Jing, Taoism)

https://ctext(dot)org/analects (the Analects, Confucianism)

Heart Sutra (Buddhism) (Attached in File)

The essay you write in response should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. In the introduction to your essay, please clearly indicate you will be examining the text "New Year's Sacrifice", and what your general argument is in response to the question.

2. In your following analysis, before addressing "New Year's Sacrifice" relationship to tradition, please first discuss what you see as the modern significance of the text (as it pertains to your argument).

3. If you regard the text "New Year's Sacrifice" as completely breaking with tradition, please specifically indicate how this is the case by referencing "the Analects", "Mencius", "Dao De Jing" or "Heart Sutra" etc. If, on the other hand, you see certain continuities or reinventions, please demonstrate this through specific examples. If the text happens to make explicit reference to the traditional philosophy and literature, what particular role do you see this reference playing in the the "New Year's Sacrifice?"

Finally, remember to provide a conclusion that synthesizes and reiterates your previous discussion and analysis.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Foundations and Transformation
In The New Year's Sacrifice (1924), Lu Xun portrays the plight of women in China whose rights are restricted and they are disrespected. Xianglin's or Hsiang Lin's wife/ widow is the main character in the story becomes a widow and the community looks down on her and she suffers emotionally, psychologically and spiritually because of her-ill treatment. The widow faces rejection and is prevented from participating in the New Year’s sacrifice as she is a widow and comes from a low social standing. The Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival in China where the people perform sacrificial ceremonies in honor of gods and the ancestors. The author takes a take stance against traditional Chinese culture that marginalizes the downtrodden and the selective application of tradition. New Year's Sacrifice takes a total break with traditional philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism).
The Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita Hrdaya) addresses important concepts of Buddhism, such as compassion, emptiness, detachment, and consciousness, and Xun’s story highlights that the people emphasized conformity, and yet they ignored important Buddhist ideals. For instance, Xianglin's wife no longer seemed to be lively and only occasional flicker in her eyes showed a sign of life and she had become a beggar (185-186). There has been the failure of traditional philosophy in the Chinese society, and yet there is pressure for the people to conform. Xianglin's wife is treated unfairly and is disrespected. In a society that clings to traditions and is slow to embrace changes. Buddhism emphasizes the awakening of consciousness, but the people in the story cannot achieve this as they only focus on few aspects of Buddhist traditions and ideal, and ignore the idea of doing good as being essential to achieving enlightenment.
There is the failure of Confucian tradition and those who rebel against tradition are treated differently with women expected to follow their husbands’ and family directions. Expectations that the people follow Confucianism when there is lack of righteousness reflect a breakdown in the society’s culture. Xianglin's wife later went to work in the narrator’s aunt’s and uncle’s house where the couple in ancestral spirits but even the aunt mistreated a fellow woman (Xun 217). Xianglin's wife is assumed to have a bad moral character as she is no longer married and Xianglin's family was expected to choose a husband for her regardless of whether they wanted to benefit alone and whether the husband was good for her. There is selective application of traditions, where individuals observe the New Year celebrations and respect the ancestral spirits, but do not follow the Confucian ideals.
Confucianism is a philosophy that emphasizes that people obey authority and has influenced Chinese society for more than a thousand years. Xun highlights that Confucianism is oppressive and lacks morality it was associated with the exploitation of the masses and conformity. However, the author also explores the Chinese feudal system that occurred when there was Confucianism and Confucianism had no answer to the people’s exploitation by the rich landowners. Peasants created wealth and culture and despite being exploited it was assumed that they would not rise up and would instead conform, and conformity is a common theme in Confucianism. There is poor treatment of people from lower cases and women, and Xun questions why there are no changes to remedy this in a society that believes in philosophical ideals and ethics such as Confucianism for more than a thousand years.
Xianglin's widow is forced to remarry, but her second husband also dies and community mistreated her even more thinking that she had sinned as if it was her fault that both her husbands were dead. Both Taoism and Confucianism single out...
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