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Formal Persuasive Letter to Local Police Department

Essay Instructions:

Meme Synthesis Option A: Rhetorical situation: Imagine that your audience is affiliated with your topic in some way. First, identify your particular audience with respect to your resolution. Methods: You will compose a 1.5 to 2 page persuasive letter to a group/representative. Distilling your research paper is not easy, and you will need to be careful about what points you need to include and which points to leave out. While you do not need to write your address in the formal letter, feel free to fictionalize personal information typically assigned to formal letters. : Objective: As a student, civic writing may seem out of place in an academic composition course. As you continue to develop your voice in a various writing communities, you will likewise join the civic conversation as a functioning and contributing citizen. Your objective is to compose a persuasive and informative letter to a group or subject matter authority related to your semester topic. The goal is to provide a persuasive resolution (even a resolution that additionally calls for more research). Due Date: Exam Time through Canvas Option B: 2.5-4 page reflective paper. "Dear Brain." Writing Situation: You are your own audience for this assignment. You are tasked with introspection; what have you learned thus far about your own writing process, including perceived strengths and weaknesses? I encourage you to take reflective notes before writing. I choose Option A

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Local Police Department,
Attn: Supervisor.
1276 Avenue Drive
City of X.
Dear Mr ABC,
I have been a resident in my current community since the year began. Am writing to you on behalf of the deteriorating security in my local community. I, as well as many of other residents, have concerns with our safety and the local security apparatus that we would like your department to address.
The first of our concerns is the rampant increase in break-ins in our homes. There have been more than five break-ins by robbers in the past week alone, where five homes were raided by robbers and valuables stolen. Even though nobody was harmed in the process, this is a worrying trend that has had residents gripped with fear and major concerns about their security. The robberies are proving to be problematic and with time will have residents trying to look for other alternatives to protect their lives and property. The second problem is how fast the local Police Department responds to emergencies. Every now and again, when calls are made for emergency assistance from the local police department, they take their time to respond, leaving us wondering wh...
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