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Writing Assignment Is The Truth Really True?

Essay Instructions:

For this essay, you want to develop a thesis along the lines of themes covered this semester.

This is an exploratory, analytic analysis, where the writing works through a number of ideas to dialectically reach a conclusion--which is then posited as the premise for the paper. That is, stylistically, in terms of the way ideas are organized, you want them to guide the trajectory of a developing analysis, without necessarily needing to prove a clearly demarcated, or explanatory argument.

Thus, the overall purpose of this essay is to present a consideration of an issue, a thematic, so that by emphasizing the most relevant points, a sense of dialogue is communicated to the reader.

Some themes to consider: truth/lies, the nature/problem of knowledge, mental illness/creativity, reasoning credibility/deception, political/religious criticism, emotional intelligence, marginalization/power relations, cultural evolution, artistic impact/morality, etc.

For support, you want to include at least two texts from the class as essential material, and then choose any additional references as needed--all MLA cited.

In terms of coming up with a topic, you may want to think of contrasting multiple thinkers on a certain topic, and see how that process is thematically productive.


This assignment needs to follow the traditional analytic template. You need to have an introduction that will state the article’s name, the author, the particular issues of each body paragraph. Then, in terms of the body, the first sentence should introduce the topic, the second should introduce the quote, next implement the actual quote, follow that by an in-depth explanation of the meaning of the quote/why it is significant as a concept, and finally transition to the next proposition. Be sure to have a conclusion as well. Failure to follow this structure will drop your score by 1 full grade.

12 pt. font, double-spaced, 6 Full pages

I will provide few articles, and the writer need to choose 2 articles and a theme to write the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Is Truth True?
Truth is commonly used to refer to some reality, implying that there is a clear meaning to the term reality. The reality, on the other hand, is defined as something that exists. However, for something to exist it has to be undoubtedly, or irrefutable. Truth, therefore, corresponds to the term reality. However, as far as things are concerned, humanity either knows something or does not. We do not have a positive mind state which can be described as having erroneous knowledge, as long as we limit ourselves to knowledge by connections. We are all linked to something, and regardless of whether whatever we draw from our links may be right or wrong, these acquaintances cannot be deceitful. There is no conceptual division of truth when it comes to our acquaintances, but when referring to the knowledge of the truth, there is a conceptual division. We are prone to believe what is false and what is true. It is well known that individuals hold different opinions on similar matters, some opinions might be erroneous and subject to opposition, while others seem to be close enough to be considered true. Erroneous beliefs are also considered true and can be strongly held as true beliefs. In this case, our beliefs are an important consideration when determining what is true. By stating that something is true, we are suggesting that has no irrefutable objections. Further, something is considered to be false when it fails to cohere in the body of our beliefs. This is to say that the truth is not the truth, but an opinion, instead we consider it to be true because of its coherence to our beliefs.
For something to be considered true, it must correspond to our beliefs, meaning that we find it hard to consider an independent fact as true. This is to say that truth is at least subjective. Our thoughts dictate what we consider true and false. However, beliefs are created in our minds, and our mind cannot make these beliefs true or false unless it is in our power to make it real. For example, an individual can decide to walk to work, since it is in their power to do so, it can be considered to be true. However, because of the influence of our thoughts, we cannot simply look at the external reality for truth without our minds creating the reality for us. For example, if an individual believes that the world is a peaceful place, their mind has to contribute to shaping the world by the person’s beliefs. Since our thoughts influence what we perceive as reality, then it is impossible for humans to simply study our external environment because our brains are constructing the environment for us and at the same time, creating the objects that we are trying to observe. This explains the Nietzsche’s belief that individuals only employ the intellect for deceit (2). According to Nietzsche, humans consider it a necessity to be in harmony with their surroundings, and for this to be made possible; they have to form common ideas about things in their surrounding and consider them as true. Because human beings try to form truth to be at peace with their surroundings, any information or perception that is created by an individual, which does not correspond to our beliefs is considered to be false. Man’s version of the truth about his surroundings is also meant to transform the world into one that is suitable for him. It is because of this that he strives to understand the world as being formed to suit his livelihood. Ultimately, humans believe that they are above all things in their surroundings and that our environment is designed for our survival. However, this is not the case, our perception of the world is, in fact, a means of deceiving ourselves to be at peace with the environment. Nietzsche states that if humans could escape the prison walls of what they believe to be true about this world, then it would still be difficult for them to accept that birds and insects have a different view of the world, from ours. This is to say that our minds simply construct our perception of what is true and false. The correct perception is therefore impossible to achieve.
If we cannot achieve the correct perception, then our reality must be objective. Meaning that we are all trapped in our thoughts and that our minds create a large degree of objectivity than what exists. Our observations greatly influence reality. This means that an object can either exist or cease to exist. However, although our thoughts influence how we perceive things around us and dictate what we perceive as true or false, it does not mean that we cannot influence reality. Humans can interact with the world through direct actions, meaning that our actions can directly affect reality through our thoughts.
Furthermore, reality can be affected by our thoughts through indirect actions. For example, if a person decides to perform a certain task every day, such as brushing their teeth, they automatically affect reality indirectly, through their thoughts. One reason for this is because, the universe does not dictate that individuals should brush their teeth every day, rather it is the person's beliefs that influence them to carry out the task; and by doing so, the world is directly affected. By doing so, our bel...
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