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The Food in Snow White, There is Always the Dinner Table and Watch How You Eat, and Tampopo

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on the following texts we have covered so far and select one from each category:

1. Ancient Texts:

Excerpt from Plato's Phaedra

Pythagoras' argument for a vegetarian diet

Ovid's "There is Always the Dinner Table and Watch How You Eat

Either of the two Genesis accounts

Plum poem (including the scene from Crossing Delancy if you like to include it)

2. Fairy Tales

Snow White

Little Red Hood

3. Tampopo

Then compose a short analysis in which you explore the commentary two of the texts and the film make about our relationship to food? Focus on specific literary devices such as a theme, symbol, or metaphor that occurs in more than one work. For example, the wild beast/boar is a reoccuring symbol that we encounter in Pythagoras' argument as well as in Snow White and Tampopo. An interesting focus for an analysis might be to explore the significance of the wild boar in each of the texts. What are the points of similarity? What do the differences draw our attention to and why might this be significant?

To make the analysis interesting, avoid simply retelling the plot and practice reading between the lines to probe at the deeper meaning of use of the wild boar in these works.

While you may certainly use the example as the genesis for your analysis, you are free to select a focus that reflects a shared theme, symbol, or metaphor that intrigues your imagination.

Technical Details:

The essay presents a unified, coherent, and well-reasoned argument that addresses the given prompt

Effective three-part structure (introduction, supporting paragraphs, conclusion) and effective use of transitions to connect the individual parts

Compose the analysis in the third person. The occasional use of the first person is permissible. Avoid using second person pronouns/referents. Follow the link for more information on point of view

Length: 2.5 to 4 pages

Double space the document throughout

Select an easy to read size 12 font

Adhere to standard one-inch margins

Use signal phrases and in-text citations when paraphrasing and quoting directly from the texts assigned in class. No works cited citation is needed for texts that I provide as part of the course materials. While you are not expected to engage with outside sources, provide works cited citation for any outside source(s) from which you quote or paraphrase.

Assume that your readers are familiar with the works you have selected and concentrate on developing the analysis by refraining from summarizing the texts/films.

If sources were consulted, provide the works consulted section to identify the source(s).

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Due Date:
Our relationship to food an analysis of snow-white, there is always the dinner table and watch how you eat and drink and Tampopo film.
Food plays an exciting role in the life of animals and human beings alike. Food is a necessity for survival, and both animals and human beings cannot live without food. Food is also a symbol of life and survival. As such, food is a vital element in the lives of all living things. This paper will discuss our relationship to food by analyzing the snow-white story. There is always the dinner table and watch how you drink and eat poems and the tampopo film.
Notably, an individual should pay keen attention to what they eat. Though food is necessary for survival, it can also cause death. The evil stepmother in the snow-white story was determined to end the life of the beautiful princess. The Queen desired that she remains the most beautiful person in the land. When her previous attempts to end the princess's life bore no fruits, she poisoned the fruit she took to the princess. The princess trusted the stranger and ate the apple fruit given to her. When she had the first bite, she was shocked, which ended her life (Kinder- und 243). Similarly, in the poem, watching how-to drink and eat, a woman lays shamelessly on the table due to taking too much wine. In her wasted state, she is worthy of sleeping with anyone who will have her (Harden 83). In the two instances, the princess and the woman at the table should have been keen on accessing what they were consuming to avoid dangerous consequences. Therefore, we should be careful of what we eat or drink.
Table manners play a crucial role in how we relate to food. Over the years that those behaviors are deemed appropriate when one is eating food. In the movie Tampopo, there is a scene whereby a woman gives training on western dining etiquette to a group of young ladies. This training aimed to educate them on what is considered appropriate table manners (Johnston 87). Also, in the poem watch how you eat and drink, there is an emphasis in the proper table manners; according to the author of the poem, how one eats matters a lot. He says that one should not smear their face with greasy hands. Also, the poems says that one should not eat at home and must stop before they are full. In the poem, when Pri...
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