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Flow and the Myth of Icarus

Essay Instructions:

What is Flow? How does it intersect with The Myth of Icarus? Discuss how balance is connected to freedom, growth, happiness, purpose, and meaning.
Describe your own experiences seeking this balance. This is where you just make up stories.
*Don't make it too formal*

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Flow and the Myth of Icarus
In its most literal sense, flow is the act of matter moving from one location to another in a continuous stream. The word flow can also be employed as a verb in everyday language. Some notable sayings that use the term flow are "Flow of Life" and "Go with the flow," where the word flow alludes to the stream of life or the way life flows, similar to how a river would flow indefinitely never stop till the end of time. In our everyday lives, flow can also be interpreted as a state of being where we get lost in time as we dedicate our whole selves to something. Indeed, every one of us has already experienced this, whether we are doing something in our personal or professional lives. In this article, the author would like to analyze the relationship between the term flow and renowned Greek mythology, the tale of Icarus, in this essay.
Flow and the Narrative of Icarus
The narrative of Daedalus and Icarus centers around a father and son who want to escape from the island of Crete. They have created wings out of two significant materials: feathers and wax. Before they decided to leave the island, the father warned his son sternly not to get near the sun since it might melt the wax that held the feathers together. With that, we can say that the father has gone with the flow of life by flying low and not wanting to soar high, just like any other person in this world who does not want to take risks because he lacks the confidence to do so. However, the son grew irresponsible. Must the spectators say he became too thrilled that he could fly and come close to the sun? The son has demonstrated the act of deviating from the flow of life, which is highly risky but also worthwhile since before he suffers, he gets to experience the sensation of achievement.
Flow in Our Daily Lives
I believe that this kind of ‘flow’ is also present in our own lives. The tale of Icarus shows how the son has become so invested in what he does, thereby making him too close to the sun and burning his wings. In reality, the son and his wings represent each individual like us, while the sun represents society's limitations upon everyone. For example, every successful individual has experienced a kind of flow in their lives. Successful novelists have entered multiple times into a trance and deep concentration that they lost track of time while writing. I also experience this sometimes when I study for an exam and realize that all of my ‘disordered thoughts’ have become ordered and united. It becomes easier to digest and retain what I am studying. However, as I become too invested in what I am doing, the nuances of reality (and society) drag me down. For example, since I am a working student who also has familial responsibilities, I usually miss my work and get reprimanded. In other words, similar to the Myth of Icarus, although getting into the flow is benef...
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