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Biggest Opportunity and Challenge for My Educational Journey During Covid-19

Essay Instructions:

using persuasive appeals of ethos, logos, pathos; focusing on your reader's needs; using details and description to provide a clear picture for your reader: using format/organization appropriately; using the AXES paragraph format; and revising for cohesion and quotation use.
The "reading" and essay prompt is below.
In a Special CHLOE Report, Joshua Kim (2020) reflected on the following: “… the majority of campus students, most of whom would not have chosen to study online, are being exposed to remote instruction -- albeit, good, bad, or indifferent in quality -- and while some students are reacting quite negatively, others are liking the experience, recognizing some of the advantages of greater control over their time, and the potential of online study to accelerate reaching their academic goals.”
In other areas of the world, unexpected opportunities have happened for other groups, such as Indigenous students in Latin and South American. According to a report by the Thomson Reuters Foundation (2020), in La Guajira, Colombia, an arid coal mining region, over 200 tables were donated to indigenous children in the area for learning during COVID: “Having tablets meant children switching from blackboards and chalk to using any kind of technology to study for the first time, said Wayuu teacher Milixa Iguara, who trained children and other teachers to use the app. ‘For a long time, people have spoken about La Guajira and the Wayuu as a vulnerable community, with big social problems like malnutrition ... but it's also rewarding to talk about a more educated indigenous community that can get ahead,’ said Iguara.”
On the other hand, a study published on July 14, 2021 by the American Educational Research Association “provides concrete evidence of the setbacks experienced by adolescents in remote learning. In a two-part survey conducted both before the emergence of COVID-19 and during its peak, high schoolers learning online said they were worse-off socially, emotionally, and academically than their peers learning in physical classrooms. The “thriving gap” between the two groups was more pronounced among older participants.”
Write a 200-250 word letter to your school district providing your input on what you feel has been the biggest challenge or the biggest opportunity in your educational journey since COVID-19. Your goal is to propose or encourage the board to either continue a practice since COVID or rethink a strategy.
You might consider the following aspects: learning through online/remote versus face-to-face environments, adjustment to new habits and routines, your mental and physical wellness, and/or access to resources. You may use the material above as well.
Use your judgment as a writer on how to organize this essay and the level of language to use. Consider how to organize your paragraphs and points. This is an opportunity for us to get to know you a little as a writer and thinker.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Letter to the School District
Student’s name
P.O. Box .
New York
School District
P.O Box
New York
Dear sir/madam
I am writing this letter in reference the above-stated subject.
The two greatest opportunities for my educational journey during COVID 19 pandemic have been the shift to electronic learning and adjusting to new routines.
The COVID 19 pandemic provided an opportunity for learning institutions to shift to providing online learning fully. I am a benefici...
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