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Historical Events Since 1945 in the US versus Haney Family

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Question 1: Historical Events Since 1945 in the US versus Haney Family
Amity and Prosperity Include Several References to Historical Events and Could Have Included Many Others. In What Specific Ways Did Events and Trends in US History Since 1945 Affect the Experience of the Haney Family and Their Neighbors?
The book "Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the fracturing of America" authored by Eliza Griswold, narrates the historical events of 1945 in the ancient US, which included the extraction of energy meant to promote industrialization (Kerr & Robert 78). The events in the story surround Washington County and Pennsylvania town. The book reveals the impacts of the energy booms in the Pennsylvania town and the efforts of a single parent struggling to transform the neighbors' minds regarding the issue of the energy booms in the area. Stacey Haney works as a local nurse in Amity, Pennsylvania, struggling to raise her two children and keep her tiny farm from the fracking boom (Griswold 109). The extraction booms emit poisonous gases, which lead to the death of domestic animals in Haney's homestead and that of the neighbors. Finally, her children develop mysterious sicknesses, making Haney team up with her neighbors to investigate the problem. The paper outlines how specific the trends and events of 1945 in the US affected the Haney family and their neighbors.
The energy extraction booms that visited Haney's region and the neighborhood led to the emission of chemical fluids that ruined the water sources in the area, leading to the death of animals. The story indicates that when Haney first visited the Pennsylvania town, she needed a house in a region where she would get good water. It made Haney find a farmhouse within the rolling hills neighboring Amity town where she could keep pets and animals (Griswold 178). As a nurse, Haney managed to cater to her family's needs but needed more cash to construct a barn. Therefore, when the energy extraction company visited Haney and their neighbors to allow their trucks to pass through the region, they accepted because Haney thought that the bonuses and compensations they would receive from the company would assist her in finally building the barn. However, Haney and her neighbors were frustrated because the chemicals from the trucks and dust polluted their water sources, leading to the death of their animals (Griswold 180). The water in the taps turned black, with the company claiming that they only needed to boil it because it was safe for drinking. Haney's goat delivered a three-piece baby while her neighbor's animals, such as horses, died, making them worried.
The water pollution and dust also led to mysterious illnesses within Haney's family and the neighbors. Harley, one of Haney's sons, developed a sickness in which he claimed to experience stomach pains, diarrhea, and canker sores. The illness led to Haney's son missing school, specifically his seventh-grade education. Haney was also not left out as the dust from the rumbling trucks in the region burned her eyes and caught her throat. Most of her neighbors claimed to have throat issues due to dust (Griswold 225). Haney became suspicious after her son Harley's diagnosis indicated arsenic poisoning. Harley became skeletal and ashen, forcing Haley to focus on investigating the problem in the region.
The trends of continued fracturing of Haney's region led to conflicts between Haney and her neighbors. As a trained nurse, Haney had tested the air and water around their environment and discovered that it consisted of harmful carcinogens and ethylene glycol content. She was determined to save her children and sear...
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