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Most Dramatic US Elections In History: Finger Wagging Good

Essay Instructions:

an essay for the response of the article

introduction, refutation, conciliation, concession and conclusion

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Finger Wagging Good
In 2016, the world witnessed one of the most dramatic US elections in history. Hilary Clinton was up against Donald Trump and while the latter won, the former evidently took some time to come to terms with the loss. In his article titled Hillary Clinton’s book contains a warning to her party, Lexington sends a clear warning to the Democrat party which always seems to take comfort or refuge in left-wing politics. As with Hillary Clinton, the party felt safe and within their bounds while supporting her but little did they know that this would translate to a loss. While it is indeed true that there are other factors that could have contributed to Hillary Clinton losing the election in 2016, the party was mostly at fault for not diversifying and looking to include or even endorse concepts and ideas of Hillary’s party primary rival Bernie Sanders.
While it is indeed true that Clinton’s account is self-serving, I am inclined to agree with some of the things she says in that book and disagree with the notion that her economic speeches lacked a “main point of them.” From the start, everything seemed to be against Hillary and a win for her was not going to come around easy. She was bombarded by a lot of negative publicity which dented her quest to sell her policies to her supporters and independents. The mainstream media was indeed more focused on any single detail of her mistake especially the issue of emails. “The hyperventilating coverage mainstream outlets gave to Mrs Clinton’s use of a private e-mail” (Lexington, 2017) was indeed something that she could not survive from. While it is true that maybe her economic agenda for the country could have been wanting, but the negative backlash she was receiving was also a problem which made it impossible for any meaningful word from her to ever reach the public.
However, while she could have been disadvantaged at some point during her short journey to the presidency, she also had a lot of baggage which made it harder for her to be elected president. First of all, she had the habit of never giving a straight answ...
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