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Multi-Source Analysis: Is the Cost of Higher Education Too High?

Essay Instructions:

Paper II: Multi-Source Analysis

Purpose and Description

Contributing to a scholarly conversation requires that you have something meaningful to communicate based on your own research. It also requires, however, that you consult existing scholarship on your subject in order to demonstrate, precisely, what is new or relevant about research findings. With these ends in mind, your aim in this assignment will be to 1) locate and analyze multiple scholarly sources related to the problem, question, and audience you identified in your research proposal; and 2) use your analysis to begin positioning yourself within a scholarly conversation that you would like to join based on your ongoing inquiry. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process.

Invention & Inquiry

Consider the following as you develop the first draft of your paper:

Identify 3-5 key words related to your research problem and question;

Research the key words using appropriate university library databases;

Locate scholarly sources that examine problems and questions similar to your own;

Create a digital repository for the articles you find and can access through the library;

Select 4-5 sources that you would like to analyze for this particular assignment;

Analyze the sources using methods drawn from Chapters 2 & 3 in IAW;

Craft a thesis that positions your own voice within the scholarly conversation you have begun to define through your research.

The Composing Process

Your process for composing this paper will be similar to the work you completed for Paper I. In particular, you should introduce your subject, offer some context for your analysis and state your thesis, present your analysis, come to a general resolution that reinforces your thesis, and conclude the paper by pointing toward additional research that should or needs to be undertaken. Consider the following structure as you draft your paper:

Introduction (designed to frame your paper)

Research Context (designed to build on Exercise II)

Rhetorical Analysis (designed to focus on 3-4 scholarly sources)

Resolution of Perspectives (designed to reinforce your thesis)

Conclusion & Directions (designed to gesture toward future action)

Specific Requirements

Your paper should:

Analyze 3-4 scholarly sources related to your inquiry;

Develop a compelling thesis based on methodical analysis;

Have a well-defined and coherent organizational structure;

Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;

Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style (MLA or APA);

Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper;

Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);

Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

The process of defining a scholarly conversation does not end with the analysis of 3 or 4 sources. Rather, it begins with this step and continues to evolve as you focus your inquiry and develop your argument over time and through ongoing research and writing. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Course Title:
At the beginning of the 21st century, higher education has never been on high demand both from individual students and their families. It is believed that the viability of higher education will bring change to both social, political, and economic wellbeing of individuals and their countries. In fact, the basic financial challenges facing higher learning institutions are global in nature stemming from nearly universal forces. There is first the aspect of increasing the unit-per student in relation to the higher education costs. This is because offering higher education is both labor and capital intensive in nature. This is the reason why institutions have been resistant in adopting labor saving technologies (Brown & Carasso, 2013). 
The costs for acquiring higher education consist of both opportunity and upfront costs. Upfront costs include the total fees for tuition and the related expenditures, for instance books, travelling, accommodation, among others. These costs were estimated to be $10,133 per year in the United Kingdom (Brown & Carasso, 2013). This estimate was exclusive of living costs such as food and accommodation. On the other hand, opportunity costs refer to the wages that are forgone. These are income that an individual would have earned if he/she was not enrolled as fulltime students over a given period of time. The higher education cost is therefore the total of opportunity costs and the upfront costs an individual incurs while pursuing higher education (Brown & Carasso, 2013).  
Research Context
Many concerns have been raised concerning higher education worldwide. Interestingly, the issues raised are specifically related to the costs it is associated with. Its impacts are diversified, affecting both students, their parents, individual institutions as well as the government institutions. Many scholars have researched on this topic presenting diverse opinions about the cost of higher education. Some are concerned about the ability of students from low income families to afford higher education. Other scholarly works revolve around the higher education especially to the rural communities. It is indeed evident that higher education comes at some costs. But the issues that arise are; how this cost can be shared among the students, parents, learning institutions and government institutions. These are some of the issues which this paper tries to unveil and bring insights on whether the cost of education is too high. In fact, since time immemorial, education was considered as a basic right to everyone until recently when it was to be considered too expensive to afford for some. For instance, in the United States of America, reports indicate that approximately $20,000 was charged as tuition fee. This led to rising concerns about why the cost of education had become such expensive. This paper focuses on this analogy of the ever increasing costs of higher education by reviewing the available literature relevant to the topic and then making findings on the issue.
Rhetoric Analysis
“Is cost of higher education too high?” Most scholars have given divergent views on whether the cost of education is indeed too high. The most interesting study is the one conducted by the Association of Governing Boards (AGB) (2012) survey on Higher Education Governance. The report indicated that tuition fee was extremely high with the respondents agreeing that higher education was generally expensive. The respondents; mainly board members reveal that their institutions are trying to keep the higher education costs affordable to students as a solution to looming costs of higher education. Furthermore, this study reveals that the main causes of rising cost of higher learning are associated with the declined state support for public higher learning institutions, faculty and administrative costs, reduced health benefit plans, higher capital investment, and the need to establish institutions’ infrastructure. The research however found that declined state support was not a factor, but rather a driver for the rising costs of higher education. However, although the study succeeded in illustrating how higher education is expensive, it does not merit in providing the alternative strategies of reducing the education costs.
“Is university pricing really equivalent to the quality offered?” Davis Education Foundation (DEF) (2012) offers solutions to this inquiry. Their investigation reveals that students are able to get good education at cheaper universities and colleges which are totally tuition dependent. The study further mentions that the ability to offer high quality education by charging less tuition fees motivates them to working very hard. This was by ensuring that there is a balance in the needs of the institutions, students as well as faculty using the limited available resources. The cost issue was found to be key because tuition dependent institutions operate under no margin of error. The finding from DEF (2012) reveals that these institutions succeed by learning how to manage their quality. This ...
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