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Final Paper: The Success of Independence in Africa

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The success of Independence in Africa
Independence came with all sorts of benefits to the African countries. Development and economic empowerment rely on the country's freedom of rulership. Liberation movements took place in the early 20th century, and it took a lot of effort to end decolonization. During the 20th century, Africa faced the European rulership, which was clouded with pain and tears. African pioneers created a political movement that was meant to push for self-rulership and independence from European countries. Two major vectors pushed for freedom in Africa; firstly, people wanted to end imperialism and dictatorship, imposed by the foreign rulers. Secondly, the African countries wanted to be responsible for economic empowerment and unity amongst their people. Thus, independence accelerated social, economic, and political progress in Africa (Brown, 25).
Economic Empowerment
Can a be productive if you are not independent? Is it possible for any nation to unite its people when it is under a foreigner's rulership? The European rule was shaken to the core in the 1960s, and it was pioneered by some influential leaders such as Nelson Mandela and other sub-Saharan leaders. The fight was enormous, and it is evident that have Africa has experienced tremendous economic progress after it achieved its independence (Brown, 30). Most countries that attained their liberation by the end of 1980 had reported respectable growth in their GDP. For instance, some countries under the Saharan wing had more than 9% economic growth, which reflected the importance of independence.
During this period, there were few or no racism and imperialism cases, making people more united and working for the common good. International Monetary Fund organization reported that African had increased its per capita since independence (Cooper). These are some of the vectors that reflect the milestone the Continent has made under won rulership. Ivory costs and Ghana had phenomenal growth after independence before they were derailed by civil war. Some economists, such a Daron Acemoglu (2002), showed the colonists engineered Africa's state. This implies that the colonial rule did not bring change to Africa but rather deprive its resources (Meredith, 54). For more than 40 years, most leaders have been on the rise to condemn decolonization, terming it the source of poverty in Africa. However, statistically, Africa has made much progress in development under self-rulership.
Political Progress
Although some countries in Africa have had unstable politics at some point, from a political view, the Continent has outgrown that habit. Since independence, most countries have initiated programs that call for democracy in every corner of Africa. After countries acquired statehood, most nations were poor; hence leaders had to develop politics that would trigger development and bring people together. Politics and governance help people understand how they are governed and how decisions are made at e...
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