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Family Values: A Phrase that isn’t in the Bible

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the four statements below. Write a thesis-based essay (four or five pages long—double spaced, 12-point type) in which you argue to what degree, if any, you believe the statement is true.

1. “Homer and the Bible express very different values in some respects. But if you want practical guidance about how to live your life, you will find that their advice is nearly the same.” In discussing the Bible, choose either Genesis or 1 and 2 Samuel as your data. Devote approximately equal attention to Homer and the Bible.

2. “Modern Americans often believe that the Bible exalts ‘family values’--a phrase that isn’t in the Bible. But ‘family’ is not a biblical value. In fact, families are more of a hazard than a benefit in the Scriptures.” Choose either Genesis or 1 and 2 Samuel as your data. (Note: It’s true that “family values” is not a phrase that appears in the Bible.)

3. “In Genesis and Exodus, God does the leading. There is no significant scope for human leadership.”

4. “In Genesis and Exodus, God provides for his people, but he is not concerned to educate them. They do not grow in understanding.”

you may choose any one of the previous statements. please include about 6 quotes/evidence only from the given. no outside sources.

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Thesis-Based Essay
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Thesis-Based Essay
In modern society, family values are used as a foundation for healthy families. Different families have embraced different values that give them identity and a sense of belonging. However, at the baseline, family values are usually used as a source of support, love, security, and a sense of direction. The purpose of this paper is to discuss family and family values from a biblical aspect. Specifically, the paper will discuss the extent to which this statement is true: “Modern Americans often believe that the Bible exalts ‘family values’- a phrase that isn’t in the Bible. But ‘family’ is not a biblical value. In fact, families are more of a hazard than a benefit in the Scriptures.” Evidence in support of this statement will be obtained from the book of Genesis.
Unlike in modern society where having a family is considered a benefit the scripture shows that having a family or even the desire to have a family can be a source of suffering and turmoil. The story of Jacob and his desire to marry and establish a family is a good example of how families can bring anguish and exploitation through broken promises. When Jacob stole his older brother’s birthright, he fled to Laban’s home. There, Jacob met Rachel and wanted to marry her and start a family with her. However, Laban told him that he would have to labor for seven years before he could get Rachel’s hand in marriage. So Jacob worked for seven years but when the time to marry Rachel came, Laban tricked him and gave him Leah, Rachel’s older sister. Laban told him that “it is not the custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older” (Genesis 29:26). Jacob had toiled for seven years but the values and traditions of that family got in the way of his promise. Laban told him that “… I will give you Rachel if you work for me another seven years” (29:27). Also, Jacob’s seven years of labor paid a higher bride price than required, yet Laban, a member of his family, still demanded more from him. In this case, the desire for a family exposed Jacob to years of hard labor and exploitation. To this extent, the family was more of a source of suffering to Jacob because he wanted a family with Rachel so desperately that he wasted fourteen years working for Laban.
Modern Americans’ perspective on family and family values, rooted in the scripture, has been used to shape some of the most controversial debates in the country. One such debate is on same-sex marriages, which have been rejected on the basis that they would not promote continuity of family and are against the American family values. In modern society, marriages form the foundation of the family and allow individuals to pass on their family values. In this case, the value of marriage is considered the natural way of bringing families together. When children get married, parents are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Such marriages are encouraged and are considered beneficial to the family in general. Children and their spouses provide a source of support for parents in their old age. However, in the scripture, this seems to be the contrary. The story of Esau shows that fam...
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