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Reflection Narrative: Grand Canyon and its Meaning to Me

Essay Instructions:

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Reflection Narrative


In this lesson, you will learn about views of nature from several regions of the world, including Europe, China, and the Middle East that existed prior to the European settlement of America in the early 1600’s. These views are important as they provide a framework for understanding how nature has evolved in different cultures. Europeans were the predominant group settling America, as such; they brought a culture perspective toward nature—preconceived ideas about nature based on the European culture. Understanding the roots of this perspective is an important beginning for understanding how nature is viewed in the American culture.

These readings will introduce you to common definitions of nature, landscapes and culture. You will learn about nature in different cultures at the time of the European settlement of America, roughly in the early 1500’s. At the time of the early settlement of American, the primary means of communication (or telling stories) was through writings and paintings. You will learn the importance of how nature was conveyed to the general public and other nations through such activities.

Lesson Objectives:

Upon completing this lesson, you should be:

Familiar with common definitions for nature, landscapes, and culture.

Familiar with various views of nature across different continents prior to the settlement of America.

Able to understand the influence of the European culture on the early America settlers’ view toward nature.

Able to identify the role of artists and writers in describing nature.

Able to understand personal values associated with nature and natural landscapes.


All of the following are required readings.

  1. Kellert, S. R. (2000). The Biological Basis for Human Values of Nature Click for more options . In: S. R. Kellert & E. O. Wilson (Eds.), The Biophilia Washington D.C.: Island Press.
  1. Nash, R. (2014). Wilderness and the American Mind (5th edition). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 8-43.

After reading, you will start to think about your own personal view toward nature.

Identify a favorite landscape. Describe it and explain the personal importance/meaning of the landscape. Reflect deeper on this favorite landscape by creating a Microsoft Word document with text and two pictures on it.  One picture should speak to your connection with the landscape and the other should resonates less with you. If you are unable to find pictures of the landscape online, find ones that are similar. Describe how this single landscape could be meaningful to you in certain ways but not in other ways. Also, describe which picture speaks more to your connection, and explain why the pictures elicit different reactions from you.

Self-grade checklist:

1. Answered the prompt completely, including a discussion about why one picture resonates with me more than the other.

2. Include citations about my pictures.

3. Addresses the question directly and completely. Displays a high degree of insightful thought. Displays an excellent understanding of the course material and underlying concepts. Provides excellent justification and rational argument for the response

4. Is free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Uses clear, concise, and appropriate terms. Style flows and is easy to follow.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Reflection Narrative
My favorite landscape is the Grand Canyon in Arizona, U.S. It is a large hole in the ground that is over 18 miles wide and over 270 miles long, and in some areas, it is over 6,000 feet deep (CNN News). The landscape was formed due to corrosion by the Colorado River for several million years. The canyon’s walls have several layers of visible rocks, making it possible to study geological developments through time.
Figure 1: Grand Canyon (source: CNN News)
I feel a connection with the landscape since it is a complex feature and that the region also acted as a settlement for Native Americans who lived in the caves. The picture resonates with my belief in conservation since the Grand Canyon is a preserved area and gets protection to prevent it from being destroyed by human activities (figure 1). The Grand Canyon is part of conservation, and this aligns with the culture of the United States, which entails a “pronounced appreciation for the natural world” (Kellert 62). I have affiliations with an environmental organization, and this is why the environment aligns with my interests. I have a growing interest in the wilderness, and I think the Grand Canyon should be a...
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