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Film Analysis on "Frankenstein" by Bernard Rose

Essay Instructions:


Please complete the essay based on the outline you wrote previously (attached as well), but please the professor approved the outline and directed me to focus on the mention of sciences as you wrote below,,,,
"The debates are triggered by the recent news and reports on bio-terrorism, organ donation, and genetic engineering that have led to unimaginable consequences on people’s lives. The disturbing controversy regarding the place of humanity in the universe and the very nature of life have been incorporated in the movie Frankenstein. The movie demonstrates the dangers of science when Victor Frankenstein who was infatuated with the origin of life and generation as a science student tried to put life in a lifeless matter. "

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Film Analysis
Background Information and Thesis Statement
There have been controversies in regard to how far human beings can go in interfering with nature. The debates are triggered by the recent news and reports on bio-terrorism, organ donation, and genetic engineering that have led to unimaginable consequences on people’s lives. The disturbing controversy regarding the place of humanity in the universe and the very nature of life have been incorporated in the movie Frankenstein. The movie demonstrates the dangers of science when Victor Frankenstein who was infatuated with the origin of life and generation as a science student tried to put life in a lifeless matter. The student collected human body parts and assembled them to create a creature that he brought to life, but, unfortunately it evolves into a hideous monster. The creature which was once innocent turned evil because it was not loved by its creator due to the looks it had and promised to revenge on him. Therefore, the work will apply narrative structure analysis to evaluate the setting and the plot of the story in determining whether they effectively bring a flow of the main ideas presented.
When Frankenstein created his monster, he was motivated by the ability to instigate genetic engineering. In his original account, he claimed to be creating the monster for the betterment of mankind. In real sense, Frankenstein created the monster out of arrogance that drove him to desire to be like God. From the early years, Frankenstein had believed that by creating “a new human”, he was doing a great service to humanity. This is a clear indication that he wanted to do what God had done to humanity. He notes that “a new creation would bless me as a creator and a source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption”. The quote clearly shows that Frankenstein wants to find a way to cheat death and in the process allows his ego to get the better of him.
The major characters in the movie are Danny Huston who acts as Victor Frankenstein, Carrie-Anne Moss acts as his wife Elizabeth, and Adam who is the creation. Oth...
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