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Importance of transitioning from the private language of the home to the public language of the school.

Essay Instructions:


Question: Is the transition from the private language of the home to the public language of the school a necessary part of education? Write an essay, based on your experience, observation, and reading, in which you address this question.

The transition from the private language of the home to the public language of the school

is not only a necessary part of education but also an important challenge of life.

As a second language learner of English who had been speaking Mandarin for seventeen

years, I remember the days when I had to memorize more than one hundred English vocabularies

daily which helped me building up my vocabularies. However, I realized my efforts was merely

on the definitions of the words, I did not have the courage to use those words in conversations

because I knew I always had trouble distinguishing the pronunciations between "w" and "v."

Mandarin is a tone language with only five different tones, and my tongue had been so used to

the positions it had to be in order to pronouce words. Plus, there are no words that contain V in

Mandarin. To be honest, I had never realized this was a serious issue until I met my first speech

teacher in America, Helena.

"My name is Helena; I have worked with some kids from other countries that learned

English as their second language."

I nodded and smiled at her as a response.

"So, how are you?" She asked.

"Hnnn, I'm... okay... You?"

"I've been doing very well." As she articulated "very well" I knew she was going to give

me a hard time on these two simple words.

"Can you just repeat 'very well' very well?"

"Wery well." I know I said it wrong.

"It's a 'v'; you know the difference." I nodded again. Certainly, I knew the difference. For

years I had been trying to avoid using words starting with 'V's: when I had to say the adverb

"very," my mouth just came up with "pretty." For me this was no wonder: my subconsciousness

had eliminated every word starting with a "v".

"It's very easy to pronounce 'v,' I know you have problems because you don't have any

'V's in your first language." She said.

"That is so true, there is no "v" in Mandarin. " Then she used her upper backside of the

bottom lip to press very lightly into the bottom of the top teeth; although she did it in an

extremely exaggerated way, it still became the first time ever that I found the key to pronounce


"I think I got it! This should be wery easy, excuse me, veeeery easy.”

As I said the word "very" correctly, for the first time, I was so ecstatic that I gave Helena

a high five. I felt I dropped a heavy burden that had been on my shoulders for years, as I was

able to step into the landmine zone full with 'v's that was deeply buried in my mind, and those

landmines made up by 'v's, were finally cleared out by me.

Although four years had passed since I first took Helena's lesson, I still remember how

much impact her lessons gave me: I was no longer afraid of speaking in public in English. The

growth of confidence in speaking English was not merely a necessity of education itself but more

a completion of a life challenge.

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Importance of transitioning from the private language of the home to the public language of the school.
Language is significant to mankind. Language is one of the main ways through which people communicate and interact with each other. Language connects us with other people. The most common form of language is English language. It is important for one to learn the English language as it is an international language. English is important as it is used a common language for most people around the world. It is used in most countries are the world as the means if communication and interaction. In some countries, English is the first language. English language plays a major role in many sectors such as education, medicine and business.
Transitioning from the private language of home to the public language of school (English language) is necessary and important as English is the most common language and the international language used in communication around the world. However, English is not an official language in some countries. I have been speaking Mandarin for 17 years and English has been a second language to me. Some pronunciations of English have been difficult because in Mandarin language there is no use of 'V' in any word of Mandarin language. However, I have come to believe and see the importance of learning English language as it is the most common language used in international countries and all over the world.
English language is used in many segments. An important segment that uses English language is the business sector. Communication in business is important and the common language used in business is English. Learning English is able to change our lives. Most books that are published are written in English. Making of films, music and the entertainment field use English as the main language as it is able to be understood by many people around the world. Half of the information (50%) on the internet is found in English. This means that English language is the main language used across the globe. Learning English might be hard for some people as their second language but it is valuable (Bailey, 1-26).
A person has to become an international individual. This means that a person can be able to communicate with everyone if he or she learns the English language...
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