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Muhammad Ali Was a Better Fighter than Rock Marciano

Essay Instructions:
This is a Persuasive Argument Research Essay Topic: Muhammad Ali was a better fighter than Rocky Marciano In your introduction come up with a debatable thesis that you would like to prove. Prove to your audience (who happens to disagree with your position) that your position is accurate and sound. Use appeals and evidence to support your claims. Use at least four different sources (only one being a \"general internet\" source). Organization: Remember to keep your essay very organized: there should be a clear, concise, debatable thesis in the introduction, and there should be a topic sentence at the beginning of every paragraph. Every topic sentence should clearly support the thesis. Keep in mind: Use specific textual quotations to support your claims. When you do so, be sure to demonstrate analysis and fully explain the quotation\'s relationship to your topic. Keep the quotations short. Keep your tone serious and formal in this essay. Remember to guide the reader throughout your essay using appropriate transitions. Remember: This is a persuasive argument research essay and not simply a research essay. Document your sources correctly, using parenthetical citations as well as a works cited page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Muhammad Ali Was a Better Fighter than Rock Marciano
Ali was undeniably the best fighter than Rock Marciano because he fought and defeated many of the best opposition in his entire care. He fought and defeated ultra dangerous Liston twice; he also defeated Floyd Patterson, Joe Frazer, Bob Foster, George Foreman, Ken Norton, Jimmy Ellis, Earnie Shavers, Henry Cooper and George Chuvalo (Cox, para. 9). All these fighters were excellent and top heavyweights in their time. He fought and faired extremely well in a period that had the deepest group of talent and flair in the heavyweight history. He managed to defeat the best in their primes. Evidently there are handful fighters in our history who can march these accomplishments.
Both George Foreman and Sonny Liston were fearsome. Rock is adored for his endurance, conditioning punching power and toughness. The only talent that Marciano can be rated against other all-time greats is in the punching power. He lacked fundamental skills and had to depend on endurance. He was without punching accuracy and was called an anywhere giant and hitter (Cox, para 4). In regard to boxing ability, Rock Marciano is described as crude, wild swinging who missed heavily.
For this very reason, Ali must be a better fighter than Marciano. In addition, his exit was immature; he could even have done better. On the hand, Rock Marciano fought weak opposition. In fact Marciano’s time was the weakest era in the history of heavyweight.
Muhammad Ali was the Best Fighter
The opponents’ caliber is most significant tool for assessing greatness. Marciano holds 1000% unbeaten record yes, but evaluate most of the opponents he defeated. He looked great against the lesser opponents but not the top notch opponents. Marciano never got so tested since his rung of competition appeared weak. Since Rock Mariano’s claim for greatness is centered on his 100% unbeaten record, it is important to evaluate the quality of his opponents at the time. Undeniably most of Mariano’s best rivals were largely past their prime. For example, Archie More, Ezzard Charles, Joe Walcott was 42, 32-33, and 38-39 respectively when they each faced Mariano and were defeated by him (Cox Para7). In fact, Charles had reached his peak when at light-heavy period. In addition Both Charles and Moore were at advanced age when they faced Marciano. Luis had little greatness left by the time he met and fought Marciano (Sullivan 303).
The best man Marciano defeated as far as heavyweight is concerned is Lee Savold. This man had a career record of 89-37-3 which is hardly inspiring (Cox, para. 7). I consider Marciano’s time as the weakest periods or seasons in the history of heavyweight. Joe Louis, who was Marciano’s biggest name on the resume, was 37-years old. He had lost many competitions prior to meeting Rock (Cox, para. 7).
Marciano’s opponents were largely below 200 pound giants and hitters. The only heavyweights at the top notch that Marciano engaged and defeated, who weighed 200 pounds and more were Joe Louis at the last fight and Don Cockell (Cox, para. 8). Don weighed 205 pounds. By contrast, Louis in his prime defeated Abe Simon, Buddy Baer, Max Baer, and Primo Camera who weighed 260, 237, 210 ...
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