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Doll's House

Essay Instructions:
Read the play......Title:A Doll\'s House Author:Henrik Ibsen and in a 3 page paper answer these following questions, 3 to 4 paragraphs per question find an article for each question and relate it to it, in each paragraph also include IN TEXT CITATION FROM THE ARTICLE FOR EACH OF THE 6 QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Didnt upload the poem was very long.Its called Title:A Doll\'s House Author:Henrik Ibsen 1. Near the beginning of the play how does mrs lindes presence help to define nora's character? How does nora's response to krogstad's entrance tell us something about nora. 2. What does dr. Rank contribute to the play? If he were eliminate, what would be lost? 3. In view of the fact that the last act several times seem to be moving toward a “happy ending”(e.g., krogstad promises to recall his letter) what is wrong with the ultimate ending that Ibsen reluctantly provided for a german production? 4. Can it be argued that although at the end nora goes out to achieve self realization,her abandonment of her children-especially torvald's loathsome conventional morality-is a crime? (by the way exactly why does nora leave the children? She seems to imply in some passages, that because she forged a signature she is unfit to bring them up but do you agree with her) 5. Micheal meyer in his splendid biography henrik Ibsen says that the play is not so much about women's right as about “the need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she is and to strive to become that person” What evidence can you offer to support or refute this interpretation? 6. In the quintessence of ibsenisn Bernard shaw says that Ibsen, reacting against a common theatrical preference for strange situations. “saw that…the more familiar the situation, the more interesting the play, Shakespeare had put ourselves on the stage but not our situations. Our uncles seldom murder our fathers and marry our mothers…Ibsen…gives us not only ourselves, but ourselves in our own situations. The things that happen to his plays are much more important to us than Shakespeare's Another is that they are capable both of hurting us cruelly and of willing us with excited hopes of escape from idealistic tyrannies, and with visions of intenser life in the future.” How much of this do you believe? Focus on details in the play to explain your response.
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Doll`s House
Doll`s House is a play by Isben revolving around Torvald`s family. It shows the life the family members have to lead, saving as much as they can. Women have to follow their husband`s orders. Men have to remain respected and securing a loan to Torvald is lowering a man`s dignity.
Mrs. Linde`s presence makes the audience understand that Nora, Torvald`s wife is secretive. Gender roles are clearly shown in the play as a "woman is economically, legally and politically subordinated because she is a woman" (Amartya). She cannot decide on her own.
Linde`s presence makes us learn that Nora can make an informed decision despite the fact that she is a woman. Most women just like Nora, are "Obviously trapped in a gender hierarchy, which call for a painful decision" (Amartya). Nora has to take a loan but this is not allowed.
Nora is uneasy with Krogstad`s entrance. This shows that Nora does not trust Krogstad irrespective of the fact that she had to take a loan with him. This shows how men take advantage of "gender inequity to impose conditions on women" (Amartya).
Through Dr. Rank, we learn the character of Krogstad as being immoral. He is shown to be mature and against immorally sick men. He is seen as a promotion of "conservative social structure" (Bem 11).
Dr. Rank is terminally ill and we learn from his presence that he might be the reason for Nora`s loan. He loves Nora irrespective of her marriage. Because of his maturity and moral character, he respects Nora`s marriage and shows that there are some "males with moral genes" (Bem 17).
Eliminating Dr. Rank from the play will mean that the audience will not learn of Nora`s secret: love for the doctor. It shows that there is room for love irrespective of gender inequity. It ‘is indication of infidelity" (21) as argued by Bem.
The play shows indication of a happy ending. Many good things are bound to happen. However, German production of art is shown as being "boring, lacking excitement and tension" (Eikhofi and Haunschild 528).
Torvald is ready to forgive his wife. He is sorry for the insults he said on his wife. However, his wife feels like a doll and evidences "misunderstandings in families in Germany setting" (Eikhofi and Haunschild 533) at the time of the play production are shown.
German production suffers from the weaknesses in art production in the country. People are not left in suspense as everything is seen to show its end. People are not curious. "All that follows is clear" (Eikhofi and Haunschild 534).
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