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Similarities Between Fight Club And The Flight From Conversation

Essay Instructions:

Paper Prompt for Essay 3

The requirements for this paper will consist of a thoughtful analysis of the similarities of the concepts between Chuck Palahnuik’s, Fight Club and Sherry Turkle’s, “The Flight from Conversation,” which we discussed at length in class. Why would the authors feel the need to address these issues?  How does the issue of always being “plugged in” provide a platform for the lack of communication we experience on a daily basis? 

Requirements: 5 pages, MLA format
Draft Workshop: March 2thDue Date:  March 7th

Here is a guide that may work for you.  I’ve narrowed down the topic field in order for you to focus your paper a bit better.  Make sure that you engage the texts to clarify and solidify your argument.  By now, you should have a list of quotations that will focus on the concept of meaningful communication skills within both texts, and I’m sure many of you have found that either there are similarities and/or differences between the readings. Refer to your notes on the class discussion we had on what we value in our lives. For example: the value of time, the value of relationships, and the value of life experiences. 
Introduction: Briefly introduce the novel and the essay’s key points that you will cover in your paper. This should only take a paragraph or two! Your thesis should be included at the end of the first paragraph or in the beginning of the second paragraph.
Next, discuss the concepts of meaningful communication within the texts, along with incorporating your quotations from each source.
Finally, your conclusion should be a discussion of the significance of these concepts. And yes, try and have fun with this paper.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Similarities between Fight Club and The Flight from Conversation
The Flight from conversation by Sherry Turkle is an essay on how technology has negatively impacted human conversations and relationships. Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk is a story of a narrator who due to his loneliness ends up in bad company and trouble. The two authors introduce the issue of isolation, emasculation, consumer culture, identity and the lack of a fatherly figure among others.
The authors found it important to put these issues on the discussion table because 1) they exist and they can be accessed due to their availability 2) they affect the lives of individuals and 3) they call for a positive counteraction. The illusion the technology for the case of Turkle’s essay and other circumstances (for the case of Palahniuk’s text) makes people think that they are happy and satisfied yet they feel empty, unsatisfied and unhappy deep inside. Thus, lack of human connection leads to unsatisfied lives.
The issue of isolation is apparent from both the essay and the book. In the Fight Club, the narrator’s unsatisfactory nature in life and insomnia is due to isolation. From the voice, there is no mention of friends anywhere. Also, he has no cancer, but he attends the meetings of support groups. He just wants to have the feel of human connection, a place where he can express his feelings whether dark or good. This human connection is lacking in his job or daily life where the audience fails to meet any of his friends. Marla Singer as well expresses this isolation. It does not only pertain to men, but to everyone in the society. She comes from a poor background and she accepts her reality, unlike the narrator; something that makes the narrator uncomfortable.
Turkle writes about technology that is, making people isolate themselves. Unlike the narrator in the Fight club, Turkle talks about the people who always isolate themselves with an illusion that they get a companion when they keep connected through the media. She says, “We expect more from technology and less from one another and seem increasingly drawn to technologies that provide the illusion of companionship without the demands of relationship.” She talks of an old lady who started to express her feelings to a robot she had brought to the elderly care. The old woman talked about the loss of her child to the robot which kept an eye contact to show that it was actually listening. This also showed the level of isolation this old lady was experiencing. She had deep hurting feelings, but she had no one to express them to.
Emasculation has been argued out broadly in both texts. In the modern society, masculinity has been reduced to a generation that fails to do something of substance but watch others do it instead. Both texts argue that masculinity is now a brand to sell the product of ‘being a man’ rather than desiring to know what it is to be masculine and the values associated with it. The narrator, Tyler, and the other Fight Club members refuse this notion and seek a different path to finding themselves. They decided to put themselves in certain experiences and fights to strip away this unnecessary notion to allow them navigate their masculinity.
Turkle argues that technology has led to people failing to find themselves and their values or losing them altogether. She says that the younger generation fears conversations. They are often found with earphones plugged in while showing up at work to avoid conversations. She talks about a boy, 16 years old who says, “Someday, but someday, certainly not now, I will learn how to have a conversation.” This shows how technology has stripped this young boy of his masculinity.
Masculinity is also often associated with boldness and courage which is not seen in this boy. She as well talks of people using technology to share their thoughts and feelings thus forgetting who they really are and their values. “When people are alone, even for a moment they fid...
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