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Family Physician to See Hundreds of Patients Daily

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Family Physician to See Hundreds of Patients Daily
It is usual for a family physician to see hundreds of patients daily. During the pandemic, the number of patients reached an all-time high, and experts exerted efforts to formulate effective vaccines. During this time, physicians assisted many patients in getting vaccinated, but there are still many people who refuse to get vaccinated. They are constantly stuck in their inexplicable and delusory views. They do not choose to be vaccinated for a variety of reasons. As a result, when unvaccinated patients request appointments, physicians prefer to provide teleconsultations rather than face-to-face diagnoses. The policy protects the health of all doctors and benefits other people who are unable to receive vaccinations. Hence, different views and reasons affect the willingness to be vaccinated.
The first view is Cynicism. The term derives from the Cynics, a group of ancient Greek philosophers who rejected traditional goals of prosperity, influence, and reverence. They exhibited blatant defiance of conventional norms instead of supporting the pursuit of virtue through a natural and straightforward way of life. Cynicism is characterized by a general lack of faith or hope in people motivated by ambition, greediness, gratification, materialism, objectives, and opinions that the cynic views as vain, unattainable, or ultimately useless, and thus deserving of disdain (Eliot and Ford).
Cynicism occurs when people are motivated solely by self-interest and are skeptical that the future will turn out well. Cynics are always pessimistic about things and people. In terms of suspicion, someone may be unvaccinated because they fear and distrust science because it has been exploited as a test by others. Cynicism, or the attitude of being cynical, manifests itself as a tendency to doubt others’ motives and to feel that others are just driven by self-interest (Eliot and Ford).
The rejection of societal norms, traditions, and luxury made Cynic happy. Social norms hold society together and work smoothly. Following social standards without questioning their validity, cause, or consequences can lead to dissatisfaction that could have been avoided. When a person realizes that he or she cannot control everything, they get the ability to learn how to regulate their attitude (Eliot and Ford).
In the view of doctors, the cynical people may think they abandon their responsibility as doctors while only caring about themselves because they refuse to accept unvaccinated patients. On the other hand, in the view of unvaccinated patients, the cynical people may think that they are antisocial groups who hurt people because they refuse to be vaccinated. However, some instances sometimes lead the patients not to trust the doctors. For example, in the Philippines, the Dengvaxia controversy has exacerbated vaccine hesitancy due to health concerns. The vaccination safety concerns are frequently unsubstantiated; unfortunately, in the Dengvaxia case, there were pieces of evidence. The vaccine was blamed by many parents of children who died. Around 800,000 pupils have received the Dengvaxia vaccine, which protects the students from dengue. However, about 10% have never had dengue fever before and are now at risk of severe infection due to the vaccine. Most pupils died due to hemorrhagic dengue symptoms such as internal bleeding in the heart, lungs, and brain. Overall, the research is still preliminary and not yet suitable for execution, but it was still carried out (Arkin). People may believe they were simply a part of a study; therefore, the next time they are offered a vaccine, they will refuse it.
The second view is Hedonism. The word “hedonism” derives from Greek. It encompasses several linked views on what is good for us, how we should act, and what motivates us to act in specific ways. Pleasure and pain are the only essential ingredients in all hedonistic theories, regardless of the phenomena they are meant to explain. Hedonistic theories would not be nearly as contentious if they defined pleasure and suffering as two significant factors rather than the only essential parts of what they describe. The argument that pleasure and suffering are the only things that matter, in the end, is what distinguishes hedonism and makes it philosophically fascinating (Pillai et al.).
As a theory of value, hedonism states that all and only pleasure is intrinsically valuable and all and only pain is in...
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