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Failures of the Treaty at the End of World War I

Essay Instructions:

Select ONE (1) of the following topics. Answer each part of the topic you select. Use the questions as a sort of template for structuring the essay. Find examples, explain what they demonstrate and add your own assessment then transition to the next question. After you are done, read what you have and write an introduction and conclusion. Be sure to proofread or have a tutor/someone whose writing you trust to look it over and make any suggestions.

From the 1960s through the 1980s, new revolutions popped up across Europe. What prompted these uprisings? Is this a cyclical pattern (that is, do revolutions occur every so often and if so, why?). If not, what is different about these revolutions? What do they indicate about the trajectory of Western Civilization?

What lessons were learned from the failures of the Treaty at the end of WW I? How was this evident at the end of WW II? What was done differently in the post WW II period and how did it produce a positive outcome? Where did it fail and why?

What prompted the shift from realism to modernism? Consider the various philosophical outlooks of the two era: how did these shift and why? Select an example from art, music, dance or science and explain how modernist thought is evident in that specific work.

Required Material(s) (1)
Western Civilization: Brief History (V2)
Author: Perry
Edition: 11th
ISBN: 9781305091474
Copyright Year: 2015
Publisher: Cengage Learning

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What lessons were learned from the failures of the Treaty at the end of WW I?
The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most significant peace treaties in history. It brought World War I to an end, and the conflicts between the Allied Powers and Germany were resolved. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in June 1919, five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which had caused the war (Perry & Bock 24). It was flawed as many people were working on it. For instance, the big four were made up of Georges Clemenceau of France, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, David Lloyd George of Britain and Woodrow Wilson of the United States. Some of the most important lessons we have learned from the failure of the Treaty of Versailles are as follows.
1 Reparation debts crushed Germany, creating stress on the country and leading everyone to consider Nazism.
2 The war guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for everything, escalating tension.
3 Ottoman territory got divided into small segments with respect to ethnic borders. It became the core cause of the Israel-Palestine disagreement. It also became a reason for various internal and external conflicts.
4 Another lesson that we have learned is that the League of Nations was not as effective as it was supposed to.
5 A lack of recognition about Russia meant that Bolshevism would continue expanding, growing and paving the way for the Cold War. It was the result of the Treaty of Versailles.
6 Various land disputes were caused in Germany.
Despite the so many efforts of France, Germany was able to regain its central place as a military and economic power. The country’s nationalistic madness could not be cured until the end of World War II.
How was this evident at the end of WW II?
World War I was not less than a shock for the world, and it left Europe devastated. The Treaty of Ve...
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