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Exemplification & Definition: Maturity

Essay Instructions:

The Assignment:

❖ Write an essay that informs about a particular idea, concept, or term using elements of definition and exemplification.

❖ Here are some basics of the essay:

1) Contains a clear understanding of the subject

2) Contains a thesis providing the direction and purpose of the essay

3) Communicates the subject/thesis of the essay to the audience using a developed structure

4) The thesis is supported with evidence and details (such as examples and distinguishing characteristics)

Some Stipulations and Suggestions:

❖ Note that while there are differences between these two types of writing, the boundaries are quite blurred. Definition essays often use examples to demonstrate the accuracy of the definition; exemplification essays are often “defining” a certain idea.

❖ You must choose a subject you are willing to share and discuss with your classmates and with me. Please consider other media for exploring other subject matter.

❖ Consider choosing a topic or subject that is both of interest to you and important on a larger scale. While you don’t have to choose a topic that makes it into presidential debates, consider writing about something that is culturally and socially important.

❖ Especially with definition, try to choose a term or idea that is not common knowledge; if the term is commonly known, though, perhaps the definition is not.

❖ Remember that you have an audience other than just your instructor.

❖ While it could save you time to write on a subject you already know well, it might also be of educational use to learn about something new.

❖ Take advantage of what you already know about approaches to writing: narration, exemplification, definition, description, etc.

❖ Point-of-view: You might choose to write this essay in either first or third person, but if you choose first person (“I”) make sure that it is purposeful. Why would it be better to write it in first person as opposed to the more formal third person?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Definition Essay: Maturity
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines maturity as "the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible, adult manner." Maturity is the typical noun form of the word mature, often used to refer to the attainment of full development. From the dictionary definition, anyone or anything that has attained maturity is therefore considered grown or mature. For example, when an animal reaches adulthood, it is deemed to have attained maturity. Also, when the fruit ripens, it is considered to be in the maturity stage. However, many people have different opinions of maturity, with the majority attributing physical advancement to maturity (Kemp 11). For some, maturity is the ability to listen, while for some, maturity is taking control of one's life, mastering the art of self-control, and learning to walk out when things are not working. Still, others will consider maturity as the ability to exercise responsibility, patience, graciousness, or acting sensibly. Learning to care about people, things, and life as a whole is maturity. Real maturity, which a significant proportion never attain a lifetime, is realizing that you are never the center of the universe.
Broad Definition
The first record of the term maturity dates back to the 1400s. The term mature was derived from the Latin words "mātūrus," which meant "timely," "ripe," or "early." With the suffix "-ity," it became possible to turn the adjective "mature" into a noun, just like in words such as purity, equity, and others. Over the years, the term has evolved and is now being used by a significant percentage of the population to judge events, people, and actions. You will hear states such as, "her dressing epitomes maturity," "Alex's action after the quarrel was immature," or "her performance during the exam is way above her age or years." All these raise more questions on what maturity is. Is it just age, or is there more to do with age?
There are many synonyms for maturity, including experience, ability, sophistication, wisdom, and advancement. Advancement and experience are connotations of the term maturity, but they are never accurate synonym. The two terms do not capture the ideal aspect of being mature because one can be advanced or experienced but can potentially fail to act in the most desirable way (Jobson 2). The closest synonym of maturity is probably "wisdom," which refers to having knowledge, experience, and good judgment. Maturity is a combination of all and the mental maturity to recreate the best for self and others. Ideally, life is generally challenging, and learning to respond to every situation in an age-appropriate manner has become an ideal way of gauging people's degree of maturity.
Children at their age are not considered mature because they hardly respond with caution or reason when faced with situations. Some will cry, resort to fights, or throw tantrums with the hope of settling the issue. However, as they grow, they master the art of reason and respond to any situation with some caution. At teenage age, teens can yell, throw tantrums, or slam doors whenever things do not work as expected. Conversely, an adult person will respond to situations by embracing sense and reason. This explains why mature adults respond to anger-filled situations by keeping quiet, talking it out amicably, or walking away. Mature people have the overall ability to arrive at thoroughly thought decisions without being coerced by other adults. Realizing that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to one's health or that smoking in an office full of co-workers is maturity.
Levels of Maturity
Maturity comes in many forms but striking a balance in all aspects means attaining the most desirable level of maturity. First, physical maturity refers to growing in size, age, and advancing in all human coordination. Everyone reaches physical maturity to some extent but most rarely act in accordance to their age. For example, fully grown people molest children as young as five years, yet they are considered physically mature. Secondly, emotional maturity refers to advancement in one's emotional ability such that they learn to comprehend the basics of love, kindness, humility kindness, patience, and hunger management, among others. Some physically mature people lack self-understanding about their behaviors and thoughts. Thirdly, there is ethical maturity which refers to the development of morality and empathy. More so, maturity refers t...
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