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Essay on No Longer At Ease. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

" On page 86 (end of chapter 7)of the novel, Obi's friend Joseph states, "We of this generation are only pioneers." In a good five paragraph essay, discuss what Joseph means by this and discuss Obi as a pioneer. A pioneer is defined as a settler who first occupies a place in order to pave the way for others to follow. You will want to use specific events and quotes to support your points. Remember-this is your assessment for this work, so you will want to show how familiar you are with the work and what Achebe is trying to do with it." - Essay requirement from teacher

This is a essay about the summer reading, No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe, which I didn't read. So just read the book and show your understanding of the content and themes with clear quotes and in 5 body paragraph form. Is a high school essay so just make it simple and clear. thx

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No Longer at Ease
On page 86 (end of chapter 7) of the novel, Obi’s friend Joseph states, “We of this generation are only pioneers.” In a good five paragraph essay, discuss what Joseph means by this and discuss Obi as a pioneer.
Caught up between the extremes of two cultures, Obi is keen to challenge some traditions which to him appear absurd. From the onset, it is clear that the British colonialist, as well as the Union, want to control him. He is, therefore, caught between two worlds each seeking to advance its own agenda. However, he does show a resolve to lead a different life which drive him or make him a pioneer on many fronts. By looking at aspects like Obi’s dressing and mannerisms, career path, his decision to marry Clara, his resolve to fight and end corruption, and his arrest as a corruption perpetrator, this article seeks to explore the idea of Obi as a pioneer.
The first way that Obi is depicted as a pioneer comes through the scholarship he won and the decision he made after winning the scholarship. First of all, it is important to recognize that Obi was the first person to be awarded the Union’s scholarship and this made him a pioneer. Secondly, he decided to go against the wishes of the Union and pursued a different course. The Union wanted him to study law but he took a different path. “They wanted him to read law so that when he returned he would handle all their land cases against their neighbours. But when he got to England he read English; his self-will was not new” (6). This was against the will of the Union.
In another instance, upon his arrival from England, the Union organized a reception for him and it was customary that people dress in a certain way and addressed the Union in proper English. However, Obi dressed casually and opted to use informal English. This also set him apart as a pioneer because his actions introduced a different culture. “Everybody was properly dressed in agbada or European suit except the guest of honour, who appeared in his shirtsleeves because of the heat” (28). Apparently, this was his first mistake because “everybody expected a young man from England to be impressively turned out” (28). Additionally, he spoke in an informal English which was considered “unimpressive.” These were signs of a man who was indirectly and unknowingly challenging a rigid system. His actions sought to introduce a new system of thinking something which made him a pioneer.
Obi wants to marry Clara and at some point, they got engaged. It is a taboo to marry an Osu (outcast) but Obi’s determination propels him to the position of pioneer because he would be the first to marry an outcast. Osu is the people who are excommunicated from their community for a variety of reasons. No one wants their son to marry an Osu because her generations would be cursed and she would probably bring bad omen to the family she is married to. Obi disregards this tradition. He does not ‘understand’ why anyone would be banished and why he would be forbidden not to marry Clara. Obi firmly declares, 'I know more about it than yourself,' he said, 'and I'm going to marry the girl. I wasn't actually seeking your approval.' (pg.54). She does not want Obi to introduce her to his parents at first because she knows that the soci...
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