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What Ericco Malatesta Means by Anarchy

Essay Instructions:

Here are the final paper instructions: 1000 words (roughly 4 pages) on any of this semester's primary texts. Use at least three quotations from the work you have chosen. Include a Thesis, Body, Conclusion. Your Thesis should explain what the author is saying and HOW they are saying it. The Body of the paper uses evidence to support your argument, and your Conclusion synthesizes Thesis and Body. If you choose a work of theory, please apply it to an actual historical (or ongoing) situation in the world. Otherwise, interpret the novelist's meaning by analyzing metaphors, dialogue, etc.

Week1: https://www(dot)jonathanposthuma(dot)com/store/p50/Galleries_from_Paul_Klee%3A_Painted_Songs.html
Week2: Melville's short story Bartleby, The Scrivener.
Week3: (Below is a political extension of the moral logic in Bartleby, a reference point from your next reading, Malatesta's Anarchy. There is no need to use it directly in this discussion.
"But what reason is there for the existence of government? Why give up one’s personal liberty and initiative to a few individuals? Why give them this power to take over willy nilly the collective strength to use as they wish? Are they so exceptionally gifted as to be able to demonstrate with some show of reason their ability to replace the mass of the people and to safeguard the interests, all the interests, of everybody better than the interested parties themselves? Are they infallible and incorruptible to the point that one could, with some semblance of prudence, entrust the fate of each and all to their knowledge and to their goodness?
"And even if men of infinite goodness and knowledge existed, and even supposing, what has never been observed in history, that governmental power were to rest in the hands of the most able and kindest among us, would government office add anything to their beneficial potential? Or would it instead paralyse and destroy it by reason of the necessity men in government have of dealing with so many matters which they do not understand, and above all of wasting their energy keeping themselves in power, their friends happy, and holding in check the malcontents as well as subduing the rebels?"

ANARCHY, Malatesta, 1891
Week4: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7_Bv2MKY7uI

Week5: Please analyze the film MENILMONTANT (in your Media Gallery) for capitalist critiques, applying anything you've read in Bartleby, Ma;atesta, etc. to your analysis.

Week6: Please analyze La Cermonie for revolutionary themes relating to socio-economic class.

Week7: https://www2(dot)hawaii(dot)edu/~freeman/courses/phil330/MANIFESTO%20OF%20SURREALISM.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:
This article aims to use week three of the semester readings to analyze what Errico Malatesta means by Anarchy. The author has been keen to explain that the term anarchy should not mean chaos and disorder. According to Malatesta, the term anarchy should refer to the absence of authority or government. Malatesta believes that the people can rule themselves without anyone from the elite telling them what they are supposed to do with their lives. The government and other authorities, according to Malatesta, have brainwashed the people to believe that they do not have the power to control and rule their own lives. His opinion is that the way people have been brought up has made it hard to believe there are the rulers of their destiny. Anarchy is an essential aspect of society, and it should be encouraged to ensure people are independent are free thinkers. Anarchy             There is a need to abolish the government because there is no need to have a few people rule over the other. According to Malatesta, dictatorships are the worst kind of government. "Thus dictatorship oppose democratic governments only when they discover that there is a form of government which leaves even greater room for despotism for those who manage to seize power" (Malatesta, Anarchy: (Aziloth Books)). The people in power who do not have the people's mandate will do anything to stay in power. Everyone must oppose such kind of government. The decisions made by the people in power who are dictators do not reflect the will of the majority of people (Malatesta, 2017). In such a type of government, there is corruption, and human rights are not respected. There is nobody to hold the people in power because they are not elected. The leaders in this kind of government will use the military and the police to stay in power. The problem with this kind of government is that the slightest criticism is considered a threat, and people will end up in prison for threatening the people in power. There is no loyalty in the government as the leader has many enemies who want to see them out of the office. A country with a dictator cannot utilize its resources to its potential (Malatesta, 2017). The leader in power will always suspect the people, and they will be wary of their leader. Such a cycle, according to Malatesta, is never conducive to development.              According to Malatesta, democracy, no matter how bad, is better than having a dictatorial government. However, Malatesta argues that although this system is used across the globe, it is also not the best system because it excludes people in society. "If men and women were to have equal rights, they should accept equal responsibilities" (Malatesta, 2017). The author states that believing oneself to be free is better than knowing that one is a slave. Malatesta believes that democracy is a fallacy and that the people who use this system are not free. "But to believe oneself free, even when one is not being ...
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