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The Wit: Poem Analysis

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November 16, 2012
The Wit: Poem Analysis
Part One:
1. Why do you think Edson directs so much attention to reading and language?
The main character Vivian in her poem is a virtuous scholar who was a Professor Bearing, teacher and scholar and had specialized in Holy Sonnets of John Donne a very difficult field. In order to bring that out Edison deliberately directs her attention to languages and reading, as they are part and parcel of Vivian. Through this devices Edison is able to illuminate the achievements of Vivian in scholarship world. Edson pays a lot of attention to language in this poem because she is addressing issues pertaining a high scholar, a non-compromising professional and in order to depict her in her own world. Language and reading are used to remain at par with his personal credentials.
2. Why do you think Vivian and the physicians use elevated language so frequently?
The elevated language is symbolic Vivian had decided early in her life that she would become a top-notch scholar and she chose a very tough field in poetry. Since her childhood, she had fallen in love with reading and with words. Therefore, words were part of her life. Just like the other lovers of the words, she liked to exploit her knowledge in order to maintain her place as a scholar. The physicians also use the elevated words to match up Vivian’s knack for elevated words. Elevated words were basically a part of Vivian's uncompromising scholarship. Elevated language had basically become a normal part of Vivian’s life, in order to bring out her real character. The author had to employ the language that Vivian uses in order to paint a realistic picture.
3. Do the characters use language as a means of controlling others and themselves? Explain.
The language used by the characters is intended to stamp their wits and capacity. Through the elevated language employed by Vivian and the physicians, we get the feel that they are trained scholars with intellect ideas and values. In sense, this domineering language controls others and subjugates them under the superior wisdom of the speakers. Vivian is a smart woman with quick and probing ideas, her language controls her feelings and sentiments and she is therefore able to pass on wisdom to the audience by through her ability to use language very well.
4. Does Susie's language set her apart from the other characters?
Susie is a down to earth practitioner who teaches Vivian the essence of life, during the worst time as Vivian’s body disintegrates under fierce chemotherapy treatments. Susie uses simple language, a language of sympathy and understanding the language needed by someone in a lethal state like Vivian in her deathbed. Her language sets her apart from the other physicians who strive to maintain their stance by speaking elevated language. Her language sets her apart as a simple person who has found wisdom in ease. Susie epitomizes a person who has embraced the meaning of life by valuing the simple but highly valuable virtues of life.
5. In the end, what kinds of words are helpful to Vivian?
As Vivian grows weaker and close to death she is reliant on her nurse Susie who sees and understands Vivian's suffering and fear and touches her with care and empathy through Susie we see a genuine human touch. Vivian’s mentor, E.M. Ashford, instead of reading a Donne poem to Vivian climbs into bed next to Vivian and reads for her a child’s story that comforts the suffering dying. As Vivian’s death draws near, she is able to realize the significance of the simple acts of kindness. She embraced simplicity and kindness as the understanding of compassion engulfs her soul is redeemed and she dies in peace.
Part Two:
Death Be Thou Not Proud
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow, Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow, And ...
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