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Analysis of Tempest

Essay Instructions:
Write a literary analysis of The Tempest by William Shakespeare in which you demonstrate a unique insight about the play supported by specific references to the text. I will upload essay Goal.
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Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Analysis of Tempest. Introduction. The analysis of Shakespeare work of tempest the work reveals that the time was faced with rivalry in the rule of Naples with the exiling of Prospero into an island his brother took the rule. This paper literary analyzes William Shakespeare novel "The Tempest" by and gives a unique insight about the play. The thesis in the paper on the characters or the plot development of the paper is the argument on the issues that surrounds the setting of the paper. In this case the paper is set politically on a point where rivalry and revenge are the key developments of the plot. The tempest is a description of political disagreement and political wars between two brothers. The first two scenes of the play are an indication of the development of the play where it starts with Antonio who is a brother to Prospero in the sea when a storm that is induced by Prospero hits and wrecks their ship causing them to sink. The power of ruling has led the brothers to turn into rivals with the king of Naples joining forces to support Antonio against Prospero. Sinking ship. From the thesis on the analysis that give the unique insight of the tempest political rivalry is the range and the main focus in which the characters are directed towards and revenge is what seems to be the driving of the developments in the play. In scene one the act the characters in the play are on the sea sailing and they are rocked by heavy winds and their ship is sinking from the play the characters Gonzalo says to the others as matter of fact that they are only straws toss on the furious sea but he consoles his fellow men saying that all has not been lost. Gonzalo suggests that they should keep an eye on the storm in the setting another character Antonio cuts in saying they should have known that Prospero would have nagged them to death and thus they would have taken precaution (Miller, 15). The other character in the scene is Sebastian who insists to Antonio`s saying that Prospero was going to haunt them to the bitter end. Gonzalo tries to explain to the rest what he means by saying the eye of the storm in the play the ship that is carrying the characters is being sunk and the captain is trying to contain it but according to how things have turned bad the captain appears to be worried. The captain. Boatswain is the captain of the ship and Alonso approaches him to inquest on their where about and how the situation is but the captain who seems more worried advises him that it`s better for them to be below in their cabins for their safety. Gonzalo cuts in saying that he well understood the nervousness of the situation but he says a man should be able to take full control of him in whatever the situation he is in no matter how worse it is. Boatswain is getting furious with them and he tells them to get themselves in their first class cabins Gonzalo cuts the captain and tells him that he speaks as if he is not aware of whom he is speaking to he says "beware you are speaking to the kings brother, the kings son, and the kings counselor" (Miller, 21). Boatswain speaks to Gonzalo telling him the control in the sea in the moment was the storm and it did not care about the status of whether you are the king but all who are caught in the middle of it were its subject. Prejudice. Gonzalo describes the captain as a very rude man Antonio speaks of the hope of getting through the storm but Sebastian speaks of the end results coming out as the same he says "the fish will get us and the crows will get him". Gonzalo still is angry with the captain and he describes him as one who lacks the courage and has no wisdom and he says the situation they are in is the only reason for his control of his temper. The three characters get back to the captains deck and he threatens them that if they don`t get back to their cabins and pray and hope else the captain will leave them to sail the ship (Miller, 31). Antonio is offended by the captai...
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