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Comparative analysis with Foucault

Essay Instructions:
Final Essay – Comparative Analysis with Foucault For this final essay, you're being asked to put Foucault's essay (“Panopticism”) into conversation with one of the other major essays we read this semester (Gatto, Freire, or Berger). Your purpose is to examine the characteristics of “power” or “discipline” from Foucault's essay, and to make an argument for how those characteristics relate to what we see working in another text. For example: - How is the creation, function, management of power, as discussed in “Panopticism”, related to the kinds of power discussed in Freire's essay? - What are the relations between Foucault's “discipline” and the disciplinary features in Gatto's essay? - Is there a way to understand the workings of power in Berger's essay through an analysis of Foucault's discussion of power? If so, how? Your task is twofold: 1) To develop a comprehensive understanding of either power or discipline from Foucault's essay, which will require close examination, explanation, and quotation; and 2) To demonstrate how those workings of either power or discipline relate to the dynamics of power/discipline from one of the other texts (which will also require examination, explanation, and quotation). Basically, find a way to make sense of Foucault's arguments on either power or discipline, and then make your own argument on how we might be able to see Foucault's power/discipline working in either Gatto's, Freire's, or Berger's text. The final version of this essay should be 3-5 pages, in MLA format with works cited list. (Additional information) John Berger - Ways of seeing Paulo Freire - Banking concept of education John Taylor Gatto - Against the school You need to choose 1 reading .
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Foucault’s “discipline” and the disciplinary features in Gatto’s essay
Panoptic Discipline in Michael Foucault’s Panopticism he breaks down our societal and economical systems and explains society’s attitude on the law structure. His responses to the whys in the manner certain people operate and believe as they do. Many times his justification is very much split off of J. Bentham’s Panopticon. In one of the paragraphs of Panopticism, a corrective mechanism is explained, which is well thought-out the best way for anyone to be to be disciplined, in that new awareness and knowledge is acquired by every individual. In this paragraph on page 316, Foucault explains how he thinks an individual should be disciplined and he viewed at it from many diverse approaches (Ball Stephen. 316).
This enclosed, segmented room, observed at every point, in which the people are put in a fixed place, in which the least movements are controlled, in which all proceedings are documented in which an continuous work of writing connections the center and outside edge, in which power is keep fit without division, according to a constant hierarchical form, in which each character is continuously located, observed, and circulated among the living beings, the unwell, and the dead-all this represents a compacted model of the corrective system. In this first sentence of the paragraph a explanation of how intimately watched and assessed the people are. All actions all actions everything would be scrutinized. This is how he believes a corrective system should be and is an important model for all to pursue. In disciplining through that method it would make the individual better person at home and the community at large. A good example is exercising authority without division. The disease is met by order; its purpose is to arranged out every possible misunderstanding: that of the disease, which is spread when dead people are mixed together bodies are mixed together; that of the wickedness, which is improved when fear and death prevails over prohibitions (Ball Stephen. 30).
Disease rebelliously brings uncertainty in the public when two or more people meet together. Wickedness becomes very irresistible when it cannot be prohibited or banned. With the help of this plague all becomes more controlled. It lays downward for each human being his place, his body, his illness, and his decease, his happiness, by ways of an all-p...
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