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ENG 119 Assignment: Significance of My Name, Antoinette

Essay Instructions:

For this essay please research the etymological and historical roots of your full name, your town, and your street. Essentially, I want you to become more familiar with how the names of those things which surround your lives were formed. For your own name, part of your research can involve why your parents chose that particular name, but do not write pages and pages about stories of your birth. Find out what your name(s) mean, how they have changed over the years, whether or not they “fit” you and perhaps the significance of how names do or do not affect the person.

If your town or street is named after a famous person or event, research not only why it was named after this person, but then also the roots and history of his/her name. Often towns have websites with great information about their founding and naming. Again, don't get too long winded talking about old stories, but include what you find relevant and interesting. One of the best sources for finding this information is the Oxford English Dictionary, which is physically in the library, but can also be accessed through the library online. The Internet is also an obvious wealth of information, but please be sure that any info you get from it is academically grounded. If you happen to live on a street or in a town that was named after an American Indian name, you could simply chose a different town or street, or see what information you could find as to what that names actually mean and how and why they were chosen for that street or town. You might want to speculate as to why some places kept the original Native American names while others did not. If you're having no luck whatsoever with your own name or town or street, chose some of people who are close to you. The essay should be 5-6 pages and in MLA format.


(1) How English Works Edition: 3rd

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(2)Mother Tongue Edition: N/A

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
English 119
Literature and Language
The Significance of Names
Besides the purposes of identity, a name bears some significance. Everything be it an item, an animal or a human being bears a name. People are named after others, given names due to its meaning or given a name because the parent likes it or there is a history behind it. Places likewise, bear the names of different historians or a historical event that took place. This paper discusses the originality, the meaning of my name Antoinette. It also tackles the significance of a name to a person. Lastly, it discusses the meaning and originality of my street name Nuvern Avenue Mount Vernon New York.
Significance of My Name, Antoinette
Antoinette is an English, American, France, Italian girl child name which means praiseworthy in the four categories. It’s a female diminutive for the name Antoine. The spelling of the word originates from the word anthos. Anthos is a Greek term which means flower. The name Antoinette was founded to by Marie Antoinette. Marie was the queen of France. This was during the France revolution, and it was during this time that her guillotine execution took place.
Asking my mom why she named me Antoinette, she answered because am priceless. She says that before me, she had lost three children during delivery. She had lost hope in getting children. I came a month earlier, and she was 100% positive that I would follow my siblings. She says she named me three weeks after I was borne when she was sure I would survive longer. To my mom and dad am a blessing and priceless.
Names have meaning; thus making them important. It is believed that names shape almost all aspects of an individual’s life. A name plays a vital role in shaping someone’s personality, success and relationship with others. A name holds someone's future potential. A person's lifetime success is influenced by their name as shown by research (Goudreau, 2015). The range of the lifetime success is from spending habits to hireability.
People who bear easier to pronounce and to write names often secure higher positions at work. This aspect has a psychological explanation which goes on as the following. People like more a piece of information that can easily be processed and comprehended. The same applies to names. Companies in the stock market, which are simpler and easily pronounced, performed better than those with complicated names. The ease of hireability goes to the ladies and gentlemen who bear easy and simpler names (Goudreau, 2015). Unique names are usually connected with juvenile delinquency thus making hireability even more complicated.
Personality is a major thing influenced by the name as found out by various research. Personality in this context refers to behavior. The influence a name has on behavior has been attributed to something called implicit-egotism effect. What this huge term means in simpler words is that people are mostly drawn closer or attracted by things or people who resemble them (Konnikova, 2013). People value their identities and thus have a unique preference for things that are common to their identities.
Due to that, a name thus influences people’s professional choices, residence, marriage partners, job choices and other aspects of life altogether. I, however, tend to think that as much as research has tried to connect names with personality, nurturing plays a bigger role. The nurturing comes from the parents. Children thus adopt personality from their parents. The social environment is another key factor that shapes someone's personality. People tend to become and behave in a manner that is in accordance with the environment they have grown up in. Personality is thus modified as an individual grows up. Names might play a vital role but who knows anyway.
I was named afte...
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