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Cross Cultural Experience Reflection: Autism Acceptance Walks

Essay Instructions:

Cross Cultural Experience Reflection

This semester, you will be asked to attend two events outside of your everyday cultural experience. These can be anything from a religious service for a faith other than your own to a performance to a party or celebration. There is a list of approved events on Moodle, which I will update as the semester goes on. You are also welcome to find events on your own. So long as they are approved by me, they will work for this assignment.
Assignment Overview – Write a 1,000-2,000 word reflection on your experience that includes the following parts:
Section 1 -- Describe the event you attended:
Where was it held?
What was its purpose?
What cultural group was represented?
Describe what happened (this should be the longest part of this section. Try to recreate the event for me from beginning to end)
Section 2 – Describe your emotional and cognitive response to the event:
Pay attention to your feelings throughout the event so that you can describe them here. When were you anxious, excited, happy, surprised, nervous, angry, etc.? Why? What elicited these emotions?
Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the event so you can describe them, too. What judgements, evaluations, and appraisals did you make as the event was going on?
When did you find yourself thinking, “That’s neat,” or “I don’t agree with that,” or “I wonder why they’re doing that?” What elicited these thoughts?
Section 3 – Describe your reflections on the experience
Now that the event is over, what do you find yourself still wondering? How would you find answers to those questions?
What have you learned about this other culture that seems valuable and worth remembering?
What have you learned about yourself?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Student’s name)
(Professor’s name)
Literature and Language
23 September 2017
Autism Acceptance Walks
The Autism Acceptance Walks happened in Ft. Wayne last September 10 and the next one will be at Terre Haute on September 29 with an entrance fee of $10. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness on Autism and what the people around that person could do to help his or her situation become lighter. It is because a lot of people today only know what Autism is, but do not truly understand its in-depth meaning or how the person with Autism feels.
The participants were asked to walk a certain distance and refreshments were available for them anytime. In addition, there were booths from different groups and organizations that help people with Autism. This is a big help because now that they are already aware of who to call and where to go, those with Autism will not think they are alone or there is not enough assistance available. Aside from that, even their family members will know where to go in case something happens to the person with Autism. The coordinators were very attentive to the participants and they were very open to questions.
One of the most important highlights is when coordinators were interviewed and asked to share their input on what they think of the event and its purpose. Since they are the coordinators, they know how to explain the mission, and the parents who were there with their Autistic children were able to ask a lot of questions and got concrete answers. They also found a common ground with other parents who are going through the same thing and gathering all of them there was a good idea to spread awareness.
During the event, I felt happy and surprised; I was ecstatic while walking because I saw how many people were willing to get out and share themselves because others feel alone in their struggles. Even if not everyone in the crowd that day fully understand what Autism really is, their willingness to participate and join others in the similar situation is a big step. Furthermore, they are not ashamed of their condition and those who joined for the cause felt proud of themselves as well. It can be seen in their eyes that they were enthusiastic to be there and excited to spread awareness.
I felt surprised because I did not expect a lot of organizations or groups to be there, and help is always available. Those who are part of these groups were very warm and they made it clear they can be approached anytime. I took notes while visiting each of them because I know they are reliable and might need it one day. I also did not expect to see a lot of people there, attending the event told me that these people feel secure and comfortable because they share something strong with each ...
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