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Analysis Assignment Of Teaching Kids to Practice

Essay Instructions:

Requirements: Your article analysis should illustrate your ability to critically think and analyze about a text. At a minimum, your article analysis should be at least 1000 - 1500 words, not including your Works Cited page.
- Start with a summary of the article - use your annotations from the article to help you summarize.
-Your summary should be one paragraph long and should be the first paragraph of your analysis.
-In your summary, be sure to: Mention the title of the text, name of the author, and the author's thesis statement or the central point.
• Maintain a neutral tone and be objective.
• Use the 3rd person point of view and the present tense (avoid first person).
• Focus on the article, and don't bring in any of your personal experience.
• Don't state the authors ideas as your own.
• Put all or most of this summary in your own words. If you borrow a phrase or sentence from the text,
place it in quotation marks and properly cite it using in-text citations.
• Limit your summary to the article's key points. Don't get bogged down with details.
• Be concise
- After you complete your summary paragraph, add one to three paragraphs of analysis of the article. -Your paragraph(s) should have clear topic sentences and show critical thinking of the article. consider following questions when writing your analysis paragraph(s). Although you do not need -to address all of these questions, successful papers tend to address most of the questions with multiple sentences devoted to each answer.
o Who is the audience (who is the author writing to)? How successful was the author in appealing to this audience?
o What type of evidence does the author use to support the thesis? How persuasive is the evidence? How do you know?
o How does the author relate key points to one another? Did the author structure his/her argument well?
o What strategies does the author use to generate interest in the argument and to persuade readers of its merit?
o Does the author anticipate objections and counter opposing views? Did the author fairly evaluate and address the counterarguments? Could the author have addressed more counterarguments?
o Does the author have any biases? How do you know? o How credible is the author? How do you know?
- Remember, good analysis always points back to the text. If you think the author is using persuasive evidence, point out a specific place in the text where the evidence is persuasive.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis: "Teaching Kids to Practice"
In the article, Teaching Kids to Practice, Willie asserts that extrinsic motivators can affect intrinsic motivators and the practice behaviors of music students. Extrinsic motivation is important in teaching and learning as the students are more likely to develop complex skills. If the students are motivated from a young age, this has a huge difference in their perception about learning as they are more upbeat and eager to learn. When students are exposed to many opportunities where they learn more about the music, they are knowledgeable as they acquire useful skills. Music students must practice and be motivated to be proficient and grow, while this requires patience as people cannot learn instantly.
Musical educators ought to focus on motivation to stimulate learning and practice. The author addresses his fellow music educators to appreciate the need of practice and inspiring kids to learn music. Willie rightly mentions that in the digital age, there are too many distractions that we are bombarded with data and information with the click of a button. It is no surprise that the phenomenon of instant gratification is common in the society compared to the past. Willie further maintains that learning to play an instrument requires dedication as acquiring musical playing skills is a long-term exercise. As such, he links the growth in information technology to low attention span and this affects the ability of musical students to practice consistently.
Willie explains that his experience in a tiny rural school taught him that he could not do everything on his own without the students’ input to improve music education. As a dedicated music educator, he sought to improve the music education where the high school band was struggling, but there was a marginal improvement at the end of the school year. The author uses his experience to validate his observation that motivation and practice affect how students learn. Willie stated, “in time, I began to realize that I was trying to "fix" everything myself.” His personal experience shows that he knows what he is talking about and his suggestions are practical.
The author identifies motivation and practice as the essential ingredients to musical instrument learning. He highlights that prior to his arrival in the school there had been a “band-buck" program that was exercised when the students played 15 minutes outside the class, where parents would authorize this and this would be exchanged for ‘prizes’ at auctions. While Willie was skeptical in the effectiveness of extrinsic motivators, he decided to give it a try and bring back the band-bucks. The author also indicates that as more students were willing to participate in the ‘band-buck’ exercise they were more motivated to practice. This corroborates his initial observation that the students failed to practice as there was no motivation. The author’s argument is reasonable since positive changes were experienced when the musical students.
To emphasize that the changes were related to extrinsic motivation, the author identifies increased practice and willingness to learn as key moments facilitated learning. While the band bucks option motivated the students to learn more, even after this was momentarily stopped they were still motivated to learn. W...
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