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Analyze and Contextualize the "The Denial of Saint Peter" Artwork

Essay Instructions:

End-of-term Benchmark Assignment VISC-1001-04: Global visual and material culture, beginnings to 1800 Fall 2020 with Dr Jessica Mace 2 VISC 1001 Fall 2020 Midterm Benchmark Assignment Purpose: This ‘benchmark’ assignment requires you to make connections between course concepts and readings, lectures, discussions and activities. You will reflect on material covered in the second half of the term in your response. Your answers should include visual analysis, appropriate terminology, and historical/cultural context. Note that there are three (3) parts to this assignment. Timeline: You will have two (2) weeks to complete the benchmark take-home assignment. Due date: December 14, 8:30am. Grade weighting: 20% of final grade. Submission requirements: Turn in your paper as a Word document or PDF file on Canvas (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). Length requirements can be found with the instructions for each part below. 3 Instructions: Part 1. Analyze and Contextualize the Work (5 points): Choose one (1) of the following three unknown works (we have not seen these in our modules): Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 See page 5 for larger image. See page 6 for larger image. See page 7 for larger image. Suggest an identification for your selected work (date, location where made, culture, subject matter, etc.). Write an explanation for this identification. This should include the following: • Contexts: Drawing upon the readings, lectures and course modules, what might be the object’s/monument’s relationship to its historical or artistic context? • Visual Qualities: How does composition/form, material/technique, and/or iconography help to illustrate the historical or artistic context of the object/monument? 4 • Terms and Names: What terms or key figures do you think are relevant to this work? Provide a definition or explanation. Length: Write a minimum of 250 words and up to 500 words maximum. Answer in complete sentences and paragraphs. (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). Your answer will be graded in terms of how well you argue for the identification, rather than whether or not you figure out the correct identification! Remember, you can refer to other works of art in your answer (i.e. those that we have seen in lecture or in the textbook), but also be sure to explain how the works compare. Your answer should be analytical rather than purely descriptive. Stronger answers will draw upon major stylistic, innovative, thematic changes and the appropriate terminology. 5 Part 1. Image 1 6 Part 1. Image 2 7 Part 1. Image 3 8 Part 2. Compare and Contrast (10 points): Choose one (1) of the following pairs of images: Option 1 Option 2 David Donatello c.1446–1460? Bronze, 1.58m and David Gianlorenzo Bernini 1623 Marble, height 1.7 m Church of Hagia Sophia Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), 532–537 and Chartres Cathedral Chartres, France c. 1194–1220 See page 10 for larger images. See page 11 for larger images. 9 Compare and contrast your chosen pair of images, in order to demonstrate that you have absorbed, understood, and engaged with the material including readings and lectures. That is, describe and discuss what is similar and what is different about the two objects in question. Note: • There is no grade for identification; the images have been identified for you. • You will be graded on your comparative visual analysis of the works. • Your responses should discuss aspects of style and representation, along with considerations of the patronage, religious, political, social, economic and/or regional factors that may have affected the creation of each image in their respective contexts. Length: Your response should be between 400 (min.)-600 (max.) words. • Answer in full sentences and paragraphs. (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). Citing Sources You are not expected to use resources beyond the textbook and module materials, or to do any additional research. If you do, however, you must be sure to cite your work (i.e. to demonstrate from where the information and ideas were found). You should also cite any quotations that you may use from the textbook. All papers will be evaluated for their appropriate and consistent use of citation practice. The teaching team will be evaluating: • appropriate use of quotations and paraphrasing • providing in-text citations for sources • providing bibliography and works citing You may use any style that you wish (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.) as long as it is consistent. Students are expected to be familiar with OCAD University’s Academic Integrity Policy. https://www.ocadu.ca/students/academicintegrity 10 Part 2. Option 1 11 Part 2. Option 2 12 Part 3. Reflection (5 points): Consider what you have learned in this course. Identify one concept related to visual culture (i.e. artwork, cultural period, material, process, etc.) that you are particularly curious about or that you would like to explore further. Explain why it intrigues you and how it relates to your own experience. You may talk about how it relates to your own artistic practice or academic goals. Answer in full sentences and paragraphs. Length: Your response should be between 175 (min.)-250 (max.) words. • Answer in full sentences and paragraphs. (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). Good luck and enjoy the winter break!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
End-Of- Term Benchmark
Part 1: Analyze and Contextualize the
This artwork is "The Denial of Saint Peter," which was produced in the seventieth century around 1660. The artwork is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Additionally, this painting relates to the Christians' Biblical teachings about when Saint Peter denied knowing Jesus. Peter was one of the twelve disciples, and he was also closely associated with Jesus. Besides, his denial came after he was accused that he was with Jesus, which indicated the bond of discipleship. However, Peter denied Jesus in front of everyone; this would be examined as a form of public witness. This subject matter in this painting is critical among the Christians because it supports the Biblical accounts where Jesus made predictions during the last supper that one of the disciples would deny and disown him.
Ideally, the effective use of form in this painting enables the audience to understand the historical and artistic context clearly. The artist used a three-dimensional form that makes the painting visible from different sides. The 3-dimensional form has been achieved through an effective combination of lighting and shadow. For instance, this form has helped in showing Peter and the maid exchanging words; this has been achieved by effective lighting. Besides, the composition also helped in conveying the intended message. For instance, he is distinguished from other members by his old-fashioned dress, and he also raises his hand, which would be a sign of refutation about the accusation that he was with Jesus (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). The pointing fingers from the solder and the woman alludes to the three times of Peter's denial.
Part 2: Compare and Contrast
It is critical to note that David's character has been a primary subject in Renaissance art, and there are different depictions that show the young boy after slain the opponent Goliath. Besides, Donatello's artwork about David is incredibly innovative and was the first known free-standing nude statue. Donatello was a great artist with expertise for innovation, and his skills are demonstrated by the bronze David sculpture. Besides, Gian Lorenzo Bernini was a great sculptor, and this is demonstrated through his marble statue of David. One significant difference from the artwork of David from these artists is that Donatello used bronze while Bernini used marble.
Additionally, Donatello did not focu...
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