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Eleventh Monday

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It is believed addiction is an affliction. Living in a modern society, one cannot help but marvel at the various additions that exist. My family lived in a good neighborhood. Houses had manicured lawns and white picket fences. From the outside, it looked like one lovely community with children playing on the driveways as their parents go on their businesses of the day. However, still waters run deep. Our community was based outside an industrial town. The main plant was a car manufacturing company that employed a majority of the towns` folk.
I remember waking up one morning and preparing for school. After a healthy breakfast prepared by our mother before she left for a morning shift at the local hospital, we headed out with my brother and sister. As the middle child, I always felt at odds with my siblings. My sister always took my father`s side while my brother was on my mother`s corner. I was the black sheep left to the choice of open though and free will. My siblings saw me as a stubborn person who always loved to argue and hated loosing.
This particular morning was no different from any other. The walk to school was not extraordinary as we went through the evening`s events and the days prospects. The main issue was then featuring on the news on the down turn the economy was taking and the impacts on local communities. I remember hearing my parents arguing about the plant and their jobs. Looking back at that evening, I realize the impacts of those events. At school, we were welcome with the news that the principle would not be in for a few days. The voice in the PDA would not elaborate further on what was going on. That day, school ended early to the delight of everyone. We quickly rushed home to find a group of my mother`s friends crumbled up in the living room drinking tea deep in discussion. At the time, it did not cross my mind there could be something wrong.
After years of toiling at home and in school, I was able to get an admission in one of the country`s outstanding institutions of higher learning. However, the events from that week from my fourth grade still haunt me. Following the news on our absent headmaster, new started going round town that something had happened, and he was admitted in hospital. I remember my headmaster as a strict disciplinarian who did not have time for nonsense. As students, we would dread being summoned to his office. However, as the years in school went by, we grew to fear and respect him. At the time, we did not know he wanted the best for all of us. I remember on one occasion being summoned to his office for causing trouble. Waiting at the reception, my brother could not help but shake with fright. We had been involved in a playground dispute with some bullies who had deliberately picked a fight. The events of that day are permanently imprinted on my mind and body as I have the scares to show for it.
Details emerged on the condition of our headmaster as it was believed he lost control and tried to commit suicide after killing his wife for 20 years. I remember overhearing my mother and her friends discussing the details of the incident. Mr. Scout was declared mentally insane and was admitted at a mental institution for treatment. From that day, thing in our town were never the same, the economic crisis reached it height, and the manufacturing plants started downsizing to protect its operations. Downsizing became departments and sections closing down. I remember reading and article of the worst hit areas in the United States. The worst was felt when the plant where my father work at was shut down entirely. Over a period of six weeks, one of the most productive populations of the country was...
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