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Journal of Family Issues, pp. 1A, 2A.

Essay Instructions:
I want the writer Dr.Joseph who did the order number 00019523 to do this order for me. I will upload the instructions of this order. I will also upload the instructor\'s feedback of the 10th Monday assignment. You need to read it since she needs me to consider her comment in the research paper. I have requested the number of sources to be 8 sources. I am not sure if she wants them to be in separate page or before each article. i think if you read the instruction, you will know that. below is the link of WKU database http://wku(dot)edu/library/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article 1: Kurdek, L. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. Journal of Family Issues, pp. 1A, 2A.
“It is my opinion (and I say this as a specialist in child advocacy with 20+ years' experience) that, generally, kids raised with both a mother and a father, living together under one roof, tend to fare better as adults. Mothers and fathers naturally bring different abilities and gifts to the table when it comes to child rearing, and to have both parents in the picture allows for greater stability. Children raised by one parent tend to feel pressure to be both the child and to take on a sort of pseudo-spouse/pseudo-parent; that is to say, the children raised by single parents often have to take on much greater responsibilities at home, at an early age, when compared to their peers who are being raised by both parents. They tend to feel an obligation to emotionally support their single parent, which can be a heavy burden, especially as the child grows older and desires to become more independent and just do "kid" or "teenage" things. Another aspect of that is that single parents who work may often have to leave their children at home alone or under the supervision of another adult; or, in the case of single parents with multiple children, the older sibling(s) may be responsible for watching the younger one(s) when the parent is at work.
Article 2: Tormod, R and Jan, W. (2010). Anxiety and depressive symptoms related to parenthood in a large Norwegian community sample: the HUNT2 study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2010, Vol.45 (7), pp.713-721 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
“Children living in single family homes may have different outlooks on life than children raised in a home with two parents. Financial stability and psychological effects all take a toll on a childhood when only one parent provides the support. A higher-stress home lowers self-esteem in children, which can result in negative or unpleasant behavior as noted in studies presented by the Journal of Psychology in 2010. This behavior was shown to be prevalent when comparing 159 spouses and ex-spouses with their 12-year-old children”.
Article 3: Aurora, J., Kathleen, P., and Todd, F. (2010). Single Parenting and Child Behavior Problems in Kindergarten: Race and Social Problems. Vol.2 (1), pp.50-58 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
“Children raised by single mothers are twice as likely to misbehave as those born into traditional two-parent families, according to research. Some 12 per cent of children brought up by one parent displayed series behavioral problems by the age of seven, it was disclosed, compared with just six per cent of youngsters raised by both natural parents. The disclosure is made as part of a major study of around 14,000 children born in Britain between 2000 and 2002. It found that family make-up, parental qualifications and household income had a major effect on children’s behavior at a young age, which could have damaging long-term consequences”.
Article 4: Buschgens, C., et al. (2010). E HYPERLINK "http://primotc1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=TN_springer_jour10.1007%2fs00787-009-0086-8&indx=1&recIds=TN_springer_jour10.1007%2fs00787-009-0086-8&recIdxs=0&elementId=0&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&dscnt=0&fctN=facet_frbrgroupid&rfnGrp=frbr&frbg=1244072262296180346&fctV=1244072262296180346&tab=default_tab&dstmp=1352923107869&srt=rank&cs=frb&mode=Basic&dum=true&tb=t&vl%28freeText0%29=single+parenting&vid=WKU" xternalizing behaviors in preadolescents: familial risk to externalizing behaviors and perceived parenting styles. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Vol 19 (7), pp 567-575 (peer review journal)
“An article published in 2010 in the "Journal of Marriage and Family" explores HYPERLINK "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2009.00678.x/full"research results that reveal how children do when parented by lesbians, gay men, heterosexual couples, single mothers and single fathers. Authors Timothy J. Biblarz and Judith Stacey synthesized the findings from 33 studies of two-parent families and 48 studies of single-parent families. They conclude: "Compared to all other family forms, families headed by (at least) two committed, compatible parents are generally best for children. “Their conclusion is consistent with HYPERLINK "/pubmed/16158731"research published in 2005 by sociologist Paul Amato, who "shows that compared with other children, those who grow up in stable, two-parent families have a higher standard of living, receive more effective parenting, experience more cooperative co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents, and are subjected to fewer stressful events and circumstances."
Article 5: Mavis, E. et al. (1988). Impact of Divorce, Single Parenting and Step parenting on Children: A case Study of Jill Agnosia. Routledge Publishers, pp.198-230
“I am a single parent.” The statement evokes admiration, sympathy, pity, disgust, uneasiness and skepticism. Single working parents can seldom attention, time and guidance to their children that two parents can give. Single mothers are so involved in their careers that they view their children as an impediment or as too important to shortchange if brought into the world.
Article 6: Honaker, S. (1996, February 4). For many single parents, juggling family and work. Are they really normal children? 6 (37) 4-8
“In one study, researchers surveyed 13,500 mothers to gage children’s behavior. They were asked to rate their hyperactivity, conduct, emotional problems and relationships with peers. Researchers then grouped children into three categories ranging from “normal” to ...
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