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Essay Instructions:
I will attach a file. Please read the prompt carefully and write the essay for me. Thank you. PROMPTS FOR DRACULA For your third response paper, I'd like you to engage with some of the criticism that's out there on Bram Stoker's novel. More explicit directions follow. As always, responses should be single-spaced, proofread, in MLA format, and 1-2 pages. MLA format indicates that your margins should be 1 inch, so please change the settings on your paper accordingly. All papers that are turned in late will be marked down (please see the syllabus for this policy). In order to engage with the criticism on Dracula, you must: 1. Find ONE article in a SCHOLARLY DATABASE (e.g. JSTOR or Project Muse) to which you will respond. Databases can be accessed through Binghamton's library website. There is a list of sources on the novel in the back of the Broadview edition. Any of those articles will be fine too. I suggest you don't go after a book, but focus on an article instead to save time. Please choose an article written no more than about 30 years ago. 2. Summarize the THESIS of the article in your response and then formulate your own thesis in response to it. Do not summarize the entire essay; only summarize the main claim of the paper. 3. In order to do this, please read the entire essay so you have a grasp of what the scholar is actually saying. 4. Your thesis should not simply be agreement or disagreement with the scholar; rather, you should focus your thesis on something this scholar may have missed or additional evidence from the text (Dracula) that changes/revises the scholar's argument. 5. Your paper must include TEXTUAL EVIDENCE FROM THE NOVEL. Textual evidence means direct quotes (and summary and paraphrase, but mostly direct quotes) that support your argument. An argument cannot be supported with speculation. 6. If you want to make statements about the Victorian Era, please use historical or cultural sources to support your point. Making the claim that all women were repressed in the nineteenth century, for example, is neither accurate, nor critical. If you do want to discuss sexuality, gender, race, etc, again please find a credible scholar who supports what you're saying. And, again, choose a scholar working in at least the last 30 years, or a famous Victorian whose arguments you can use as support for your analysis (e.g. Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, Eliza Linton, Frances Power Cobbe, Harriet Martineau, etc). If you choose a famous Victorian, please make sure that his/her arguments were credible and supported by a large group of people. Claiming, for example, that Mill's discussion of women was agreed upon by the majority of Victorians, would not be true. 7. The response paper is overall AN ANALYSIS, which means you have to analyze information and not just present it. Ask yourself WHY the text operates in the way it does, don't just tell me that's the way it operates. 8. For this paper, you will not be able to write a response of your choice. You must adhere to the guidelines above. COMMON GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES: - Singular and plural: you, one, and generalizations like “the student,” or “the woman,” are all singular (that means a 1-person subject). Therefore, “they” is not the correct pronoun. For “one,” you must use “one” again. Examples: One generally finds that one must use the library to find information. The student carefully chose a major that s/he (or choose a gender) was excited about. When you wish upon a star, you may find that your wish comes true. The students were able to find their classroom. (“students” is plural and gender neutral, thus “their” is appropriate) - Be careful of your diction (this means “word choice”). If you have seen a “WC” or “usage” marked on your paper, this means that you either chose an awkward or inaccurate word for your sentence, or used a word incorrectly. Examples: Some of the most common examples of incorrect word usage are: “hold,” “portray,” “critique,” “literally,” “connotation,” and “irony” or “ironic.” Make sure you are certain of the meaning of these words and how they are used in sentences. - Homophones (words that sound the same when pronounced, but are spelled differently) Examples: your/you're and their/there/they're - The action of a novel should always be in present tense. This is a stylistic convention that cannot be avoided. The arguments of scholars are always in present tense too. Examples: When Dracula first feeds on Mina, none of her friends can tell. In Stoker's Dracula, the Count can change into bats, wolves, or mist. Gilbert's writes in Disease, Desire, and the Body about sensation novels in the 1860s. Christopher recounts his childhood, but it seems it was an unhappy one. (Here the second clause is in the past tense because the present action – the recounting – is occurring after the event recounted.) - Spelling and capitalization should always be carefully checked. It looks pretty bad if you're writing a paper and you haven't checked to make sure you spelled the author or character's name right. - All titles of novels should be italicized, not underlined (underlining is appropriate if you're using a typewriter, and I don't think you are). Titles of shorter works – essays, short stories, poems, and articles – should appear in quotation marks. - Punctuation should appear within quotation marks, except when using a colon or semicolon. Examples: “Leave your books here,” the professor said. There are a few challenges to writing an essay, writes Dobell: first, the author must “secure a topic”; second, s/he must “decide which aspect to write on within that larger topic”; and third, the paper must have a title. - When using semicolons and colons the general rule is, a semicolon is used to separate two clauses that can function on their own as sentences, and a colon is used to designate a list or a further specification of the clause before the colon. Examples: The second sentence above is an example of colon and semicolon use. The Other Victorians: Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth Century England Wanda just bought a Writer's Almanac; she plans to use it for her class on creative nonfiction. - Citation format: this is not really grammatical per se, and we'll talk about MLA more before you write the final paper, but here are some common mistakes. All citations should contain the author's last name and the page number, unless you are only working on one text. Then the citation need only contain the page number. Citations appear in parentheses at the end of the sentence, and after quotation marks, but before punctuation (unless it is specifically part of the quotation). Examples: In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley notes the monster's despair: “How may I find love if I am so ugly?” (22). A good example from one of the novels here will serve as a reference point: “How may I find love if I am so ugly?” (Shelley 22). In Gilbert's formulation, reading in the mid-nineteenth century shared associations with eating, sex, and other forms of consumption (42). Scholars have argued that reading in the mid-nineteenth century shared associations with eating, sex, and other forms of consumption (Gilbert 42). In MLA, all margins should be 1 inch and the header should contain (in order): Name, Professor's name, class number, full date (October 27, 2012). Page numbers should appear on every page in the top right-hand corner with the author's last name (Hunt 1). All fonts in the paper should be exactly the same. Any headings or titles (and your papers should always have a title – and that title should not simply be the title of the work you're working on or the nature of the assignment) should not be underlined, bolded, or in any way marked separately from the rest of the paper. You may, of course, put a space after the title if it is single-spaced. The title should appear after the header and in the center of the page. If your title contains the title of another work or a quotation from a work, style it accordingly. Examples: “Body of Work”: Writing and Reading Women in the Victorian Era Structure, Sign, and Play in Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Alone in the World: Isolation in Alexander and the No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day “But if I feel, may I never express?”: Language and Gender in Charlotte Brontë's Letters Madness in the Lyrics to “Sandman” Margins should not be justified (aligned to the right or left). All paragraphs should begin with a 5-space indent (equivalent of 1 tab). There should be no spaces between paragraphs. This only occurs when the paragraphs have no indent. More MLA information can be found in the library reference section, on the library website, and at Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL – search Google and you'll find it). I'm going to put one of my bibliographies online for you guys to see. It will be in the “Contents” folder as always. Note that “Bibliography” is generally used for larger works and indicates that the author has read a number of books and articles that will not be cited in the final work. “Work(s) Referenced” is a list of the books you looked at, but didn't cite. “Work(s) Cited” is a list of all the texts that appear cited in the body of the essay. The two last citation pages are what you should write for your papers unless you're writing a book or something. You do not need a Works Cited or Referenced page for the response papers. (*I put the “s” in parentheses because you write a “Work Cited” page if you only cite one text, and a “Works Cited” page if you use more than one.)
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Criticism on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. A Study on the Human Mind and Paranoid Behaviour by Andrés Romero Jódar
In his thesis, Romero articulates that the story of Dracula is a depiction of how the society interrelates in its various aspects such as in science, literature and spirituality. She argues that as the evidence of this claim, there has been a tendency of even the educated people participating in spiritual occult in Victoria. The author expresses that the novel by Bram Stoker takes into considerations on the relationships of the functionality of the mind and human behavior.
Behaviors relate to what people do and what they think, it also incorporates our feelings as well as our judgments. This is in agreement with the psychologist view that our minds and feelings determines on how we will behave. However, in Dracula, we find a different perspective where there can be incidences of sciences exclusion from what we believe. The Harker and Seward recordings in Dracula presents factual data emphasizing on scientific influence on behavior, Yet another character Dr Van Helsing expresses "...There are more things in heaven and earth.../ Than are dreamt of in your philosophy " (I,v,165) and "There's a divinity that shapes our ends...(V,ii,10). The deviation of the novel from its initial point indicates conflicting positions which are considered in the culture of Victorians.
The Culture of Victorian People
The Victorian people had varying perspectives with regard to the cause of death, and how diseases spread. Stoker had this in mind by constructing the story of Dracula. By standing on the middle with regard to how the people viewed the influence of science in the community, he shows that these people also had different perspective concerning the same. The time of Dracula formation was a time of medicinal innovation in various parts of the country. There was an increased spread of diseases. A famous scholar, known...
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