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Wake up America

Essay Instructions:
Subject area is English Composition I. This is to be an argumentative essay and I think I want the topic to be \"Wake up America\" but I will leave this up to the writer. The essay should be typed and double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, on standard computer paper in Modern Language Association 7th edition,style. Each paper turned in must include: A completed copy of the ENGL 1301 Argumentative Essay Checklist. Copies of all internet sources used in the paper, not just a works cited page. Margins are exactly one-inch on the sides, top, and bottom. The font used in the entire paper is sans serif 12-point. Paper is to be double space all pg have pg #\'s on the header, top right. All citations use quotation marks. Use only one space after periods or other punctuation at the end of a sentence. Heading: Your name/Professor\'s which is Everett and course which is English 1301-106WE and date. Grammar: document has been spell-checked and there are no spelling errors. doc has been checked for correct use of commas and other punctuation. doc is free of sentence fragments. doc is free of passive voice. Structure: 1st paragraph of the essay contains a clear thesis statement. Each paragraph begins with a clearly stated reason that supports the thesis in the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph or considers a viewpoint that opposes the thesis statement. Each paragraph contains only information related to the 1st sentence of the paragraph. The last page of the doc is your bibliography or works cited page. P.S. The previous order was written badly, I need really good written essay! I need the paper to be delivered to me before the deadline I will check the paper and see if it is good and well-written!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marisa Madden
Professor Everett
English 1301-106WE
5 November 2012

Wake up America
My aspiration has been focused on the day that America will wake up, rise and realize her dream. For many years, the American ideologies have been based on the assumption that all men were created equal. Many of the governance structures are based on this assumption. In his 1963 speech in Washington titled ‘I have a dream’; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed the importance of having equality in America (King, 12). Presently, there is controversy surrounding the relevance of the affirmative action in USA considering that the current president is an African American and still racial and gender inequality persists in many sectors.
There are two perspectives under which affirmative action is based. The first is having diversified races, assurance of gender equality, and lack of discrimination. In the second perspective, it refers to gender and racial preferences based on the correct gender and race (Rosenfeld, 4). In essence, Americans have been associating affirmative action mostly with regard to the second perspective. But the reality is; the definition in the first dimension provides a broader meaning of affirmative action than the second. Based on the assumption that the American workforce and learning institutions are not fully diversified, and then the necessity of affirmative action cannot be overemphasized.
The aspect of Affirmative action is not fully entrenched in American society. This is because the foundation of her policies are based on collectivism, which is another type of discrimination altogether. This can result into individuals loosing opportunities as in learning and employment sector. Additionally, individuals may also be denied opportunities of fair pay on the basis of their race or social group. Moreover, selecting individuals based on their race or social grouping other than their qualification is an avenue of degrading personal achievements. This is indeed true basing our stance on the second perspective of affirmative action, which emphasizes on preferences on a certain social group as either being based on gender, race or social grouping.
Based on the present perspective of things, there is a great necessity for the American governance to homogenize wages and salaries for people of all races. As of now, white males earn much more as compared to women and minority groups. In the American workplace, women are paid 71% less than men are. On the other hand, non-minority men are earning more than minority men and women (Hendley, 1999, p60). In addition, “non-minority males make about $ 9,000 more than minority men, $ 14,000 more than non-minority women and $ 17,000 more than minority women in white collar occupations on a monthly basis (Feminist Majority Foundation, par 5). Subjecting individuals to lower paid simply because they hail from minority race or social grouping is discrimination of the highest order. If American will continue with business as usual, without considering affirmative action, then women and minority groups in America will continue to...
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